Humanity Must Break Free from the Technocratic Bio-Surveillance State

Who is willing to accept a technocratic bio-surveillance state?Nicholas Creed – We had been comfortable. Unaware we were living in a cage. Now our open air prison has been illuminated. For some. Others see restriction of freedoms, movement, and liberty as a necessity. Both ‘sides’ perceive a righteous galvanization geared towards a unified humanity. For the greater good.

This has never been about vaxxed / unvaxxed.

Nor has it been about East / West.

Nor Race.

It is not about political affiliation.

On the precipice of our global subjugation, enslavement, and expungement, all paths lead to one juncture.

Who is willing to accept a technocratic bio-surveillance state?

Who is not?

Those who will not accept neo-feudalistic serfdom, will innovate with decentralised networks, decentralised currencies, and parallel economies. This will encompass healthcare, education, agriculture, and a better way.

Incidentally, why not check out the Better Way Conference 2023?

The very real power of a unified humanity can be a force for good.

Nobody can force anyone to be good, but people can be inspired to be good, when they truly understand what is at stake, and when they witness others doing good deeds.

Similarly, nobody can force anyone to be evil, but people can be induced to be evil, when they choose the perception of (short-term) self-preservation, or reward. We have seen that system in action with the vax-pass. We could see it again with social credit scores and state snitch systems.

People can also be induced to be passive, leading to the bystander effect.

The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. – #Solutions Watch,

The bystander effect can be flipped so that human cognition is appealed to for the betterment of humanity.

A comment on this thread from Corbett’s website summed up the concept well:

Everyone who aligns with objective reality and the pursuit of truth rather than group pressure to act against truth and reality does, indeed, set the right example. However, reaching people is especially slow and difficult this time because the power structure feeds them.

It is therefore necessary to point out how totalitarian systems always destroy themselves and their followers and that, should the only choice we get to make be whether we die opposing or supporting tyranny, we are still well advised to choose freedom.

If not for ourselves then for the world that was and the world that may yet be.

We are still mostly seeing an ugliness across humanity; a festering wound, manifesting as cowardice, fear, and intolerance towards free thinkers. Those who would embrace technocracy will be a force for evil. They will demand fealty to atomized, conformist groupthink.

They will believe that they are serving humanity.

They shall fiercely defend and promote:

Agenda 2030


WHO pandemic treaty

Climate lockdowns

One world government

They will probably be unaware of these descriptions by name, context, or premeditation. They will be cajoled and whipped up into continual hysteria to view these concepts as the only solution(s).

Words such as ‘protect’, ‘safety’, ‘resilience’, ‘global solutions’, and so on and so forth shall circulate in the state sponsored media, achieving the desired effect of a lobotomized humanity.

SF Source Blacklisted News May 2023

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