Experiencing Grace

talk2momz  November 17 2013

“The intensity of your need calls what is needed to you.” Do you believe that statement? To me, it has shown itself to be true a few, remarkable times. Of course it requires that we remain open, because the ego’s need, or the intellect’s need, or the emotion’s need might not correspond with the true need. It is the energy/information/feeling of us that informs the universe of our true need.

So… we may not be fully aware of what our heart has called for, and it may come to us in a completely different form than what we have sought, or what our opinion tells us we are suited for, or even what we are ‘supposed’ to want. If we are open, we’ll recognize it… a way is a way, love is love. Usually, if we accept that a need is being fulfilled, and we are willing to experience it, we’ll know also that this must lead to change… sometimes a great deal of change.

When I started this writing I was thinking about change, and my mind was on the words ‘satisfaction and dissatisfaction’. There is a story I’ve heard about a time in the past, when a great number of people were dissatisfied with their administration. When the dissatisfaction reached 70% of the population, the seed of a new way was conceived in one person, and from there it spread until it reached thousands.

The new way was born, and eventually it displaced the old way. Unfortunately, the new way wasn’t any more satisfying than the old. It was seemingly the opposite of the old, and so therefore conceived as a solution, but somehow it became almost the shadow self of, or dark side of the old.

So that takes me to wondering… what are the ways of producing change? It appears that one way would be the attracting power of true need arising from one’s energy/information/feeling. We can refer to this one as ‘call and response’. The other way would be the reaction and solution of one’s intellect/emotion/opinion, which we’ll refer to as ‘best laid plan’.

The intellect works within the problem, reaction, solution world. We conceive of an idea, make plans, gather information, determine what is needed, and get to work. We believe that if we work hard enough, and long enough, and plan well enough we can bring about a change. Sometimes we succeed, and as we settle in to our solution, the work begins on keeping it from becoming corrupted. Corruption: it’s the ‘wherever you go there you are’ problem.

The obvious answer is talked about all the time… change you. Change what you trust, change what you align to, change what you dedicate yourself to. Overcoming the world really means overcoming the self-discouraging voices in your head, put there by conditioning and programming.

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