Immune Support Tonic – Delicious Natural Recipe!

immuneAlex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – Your immune system is your body’s defense mechanism against viruses and infections. While it’s healthy for your immune system to flex its muscles every now and then, we live in an increasingly toxic world, so it’s important that you know how to naturally support your immunity, and your family’s. (Anyone who has children knows that keeping them healthy and vital can be a full time job!)

Thankfully, Mother Nature has provided us with many perfect ways to keep the whole family happy and healthy. And today, I’m going to share with you my all-natural Immune Support Tonic recipe! The powerful ingredients in this natural tonic combine to support and uplift the immune system. It’s easy to make at home — and it’s delicious. The primary ingredient is the pleasant tasting Elderberry, which is why children of all ages love this tonic.

Forget the pharmaceutical stuff — everyone should have a large bottle of this in the medicine cabinet.

Ingredients That Boost Immune System

The Elderberry

No longer just a folk remedy or tasty berry to add to fruit salads, the humble elderberry has been studied by the medical establishments due to it’s incredible immune boosting abilities. Elderberries contain a unique protein that helps stimulate communication and regulate immune responses. They also contain large amounts of antioxidants which prevent cell damage. They have been used for thousands of years to treat everything from vision impairments, colds and flu, blood pressure, viral infections, diarrhea, and doctors in Israel are using them to treat cancer and AIDS.


Cloves act as an expectorant, which help in lowering the severity of coughs by producing more phlegm. Cloves also contain a powerful essential oil known as eugenol, which can be used topically as a dental antiseptic as well as tannins which act like painkillers.


The use of ginger to treat a wide range of ailments goes back to ancient times. It has very powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and also provides relief from nausea.


Used as a healing tea for thousands of years in South Africa (where it’s grown), Rooibos has seen a surge on the global market due to its delicate sweet flavor and powerful anti-oxidant benefits. It is used as an anti-spasmodic agent, to relieve stomach cramps and colic in infants and children.


In ancient chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon was used for colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It’s also believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation which in turn stimulate immune response.


Known around the world for its immune supporting properties, Echinacea extract can be used for treating the onset of a sore throat and is especially beneficial if taken at the first signs of flu and cold symptoms.


This popular herb contains a potent antioxidant, rosmarinic acid which stimulates the central nervous system and improves circulation. It can also be used topically to treat many arthritis related issues.

Astragalus Root

The use of Astragalus root as a medication goes back at least 2000 years. Known for its positive effect on the body’s immunity, Astragalus stimulates the production of interferon, a mixture of proteins that our body makes in response to viral infections of the respiratory tract and heart.

Raw Honey (*Optional)

Antibiotic properties of honey are the perfect addition to this recipe, and provide natural support against conditions like colds, sore throats, indigestion and acne. Honey is also known to treat allergies, help support and protect the growth of bacteria in our gut, and relieve constipation.

Recipe: Immune Support Tonic

This recipe makes about 16 ounces.

If you don’t feel like making this yourself, I sell it in my store at


  • 2/3 cup dried Elderberries
  • 1/4 cup Echinacea
  • 2 Tablespoons Rosemary
  • 2 Tablespoons Astragalus Root
  • 2 Tablespoons Rooibos tea
  • 4 cups Clean Water
  • 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon
  • 2 Tablespoon fresh or dried Ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Cloves
  • 1 cup vegetable glycerin (2 year shelf life)
  • 1/2 cup of honey (optional)


  1. Pour water into saucepan and add all other ingredients.
  2. Bring mixture to a boil, cover and simmer for 45 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and let mixture cool.
  4. Pour mixture through a strainer.
  5. Store your Immune Support Tonic in a glass jar.
  6. Refrigerate.

Honey option: 

  1. If you choose to add honey, wait until the herbs and water are completely cool and then stir in the honey at the very end.

Suggested Dose:

I recommend the following dosage*.

For day to day immune support:

  • 1 tsp. per day for children
  • 1 tbsp. per day for adults

If a cold or flu comes on:

  • Take the suggested dose every 2-3 hours as required.

To your health!

Alex (Earthie Mama)

*Please note: This article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

immuneAlex is a True Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives in order to thrive. Alex has a well known blog on health, wellness, conscious parenting, green living and getting off the grid to self sustainability: She also has an MA in Psychology, and is a registered Yoga Instructor, environmentalist, conscious mother, green living expert and birthing expert. She also sells all natural products and her ebooks through her website. Please check out her website at or find Earthie Mama on Facebook at


SF Source Wake Up World  June 2015

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