2017 Perspective – The Nibiruan Council

integrationJelaila Starr – Well, we made it through the holidays and are now into a new year.  Happy new year to you all!  And we are all still here … no Planet X has spin us on our axis, creating catastrophic earth changes … yep, we are still here.  So what’s next?  When I tuned into the Nibiruans I was informed that this year will be about integration … lots and lots of integration.

The next thought to popped into my head was, “This is the work you came for, the work you trained for. Now you must take all that you learned and apply it. The world will need all the compassion and integration help it can get.  Why?  The dark underbelly of the Cabal/PTB is going to be revealed this year. And we must be ready to integrate all the horror.  Not an easy task, especially the part about their satanic ritual eating of children … that’s going to be the tough one for me I can assure you.

So we are all being called to action, to apply the integration tools we’ve been taught in order to see the mass consciousness with as much compassion and templates for achieving integration of these horrific acts as we can.

But there is also an up side as well. Many have worked tirelessly to bring about disclosure of our off-world neighbors.  I see that making a huge leap forward this year. But, again …it will rock peoples’ worlds, especially those like my oldest brother who firmly believes that we are the only inhabitants in this universe.

In a nutshell you could say that compassion and integration are the key words for 2017.  Get ready…its going to be one heck of a ride. *Putting on my big girl panties and pulling up my hip waders.*

SF Source The Nibiruan Council Jan. 2017

3 thoughts on “2017 Perspective – The Nibiruan Council

  1. Gillian, I am especially impressed that Jelaila referenced the compassion and integration
    that will be called for as humanity becomes more and more aware of the atrocities committed
    by those in positions of authority throughout the world.

    A knowing of the horror of the deeds is an incredibly heavy burden and for me personally a fall
    back upon precepts of Quantum Meta-Physics, especially the power of light to displace dark,
    has offered a measure of equanimity.

    Abuse of Planet Earth and her inhabitants by those in power is as old as the hills and in this era of massive planetary energy upgrades, I am now fully on board with the concept of light energy as a pathway to the end of eons of rule in dark energy.

    I am aware that the following is incredibly simplistic and I further realize that simple concepts are often the hardest to accept yet I share the following in the hope that the compassion and integration which Jelaila referenced will manifest…

    When those who CAN, muster the compassion to ‘send’ light energy to perpetrators of the dark, said perpetrators can either accept the energy which will entail profound reconciliation or
    they can reject the energy which will entail profound issues of their very survival in the presence of massive amounts of light energy…either way, humanity wins.

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