Interesting Facts About Witchcraft

witchcraftWhat comes to mind when you hear the word “witchcraft”? For most people, it conjures up images of cackling hags stirring a bubbling cauldron. Others might think of the spells cast by Samantha in Bewitched or Sarah Bailey in The Craft.

While our concepts of witchcraft are a little off, one of the most surprising facts about witchcraft is that it’s not only the stuff of fairy tales and movies. Witchcraft is deep-rooted in human history and witches have existed for centuries.

But what else don’t we know about witchcraft? Let’s take a look!

1. The Word ‘Witch’ Is of Indeterminate Origin

Even etymology geeks might be surprised to read that we aren’t exactly sure where the word witch comes from. The most likely origin is the Old English word wicce, meaning “female sorceress.” This is also the basic linguistic root for Wicca, which you can learn more about by enrolling at the Wicca Academy.

Other possibilities are that the word comes from a combination of the Old English word wigle, meaning “divination” and wih, meaning “idol.” Both these come from the proto-Germanic word for “necromancer”, wikkjaz.

2. European Courts Killed As Many as 80,000 Suspected Witches

Between 1500 and 1660 witch-related hysteria caused the deaths of an estimated 80,000 suspected witches across Europe. This unimaginable number of innocent people either died during testing for powers or by execution after being found guilty of practicing witchcraft.

3. More Than 1.5 Million Americans Practice Witchcraft

Are you thinking of becoming a witch or practicing Wicca? If so, you’re in good company.

There were around 1.5 million practicing witches in the US in 2018, although that figure has likely grown since then. Wicca has helped drive this increasing popularity. Now, instead of considering witchcraft to be a satanic and demonic practice, people see it as an ancient tradition that promotes an understanding of the earth and nature.

4. Witchcraft Laws Existed Until the 20th Century

One of the most surprising witchcraft facts is that England’s Witchcraft Act of 1735 was still official until 1951. And, that the last person found guilty under the law was a woman named Jane Rebecca Yorke in 1944. Although, she was convicted for defrauding people with witchcraft claims and bogus séances rather than for being a witch.

5. Modern-Day Witches Celebrate Eight Holidays

Modern-day witches practicing Wicca celebrate eight annual holidays that mark Earth’s journey around the sun. These include Ostara – the spring equinox, Litha – the summer solstice, Samhain – which takes place on October 31, and Yule – to mark the winter solstice. Typical ways to celebrate these holidays include spending time in nature and remembering ancestors.

Spellbinding Facts About Witchcraft

As these facts about witchcraft show, this ancient tradition is full of surprises and secrets, as well as a great deal of misunderstanding and dangerous hysteria.

Thankfully, though, those interested in practicing Wicca or becoming a witch are now free to delve into this spellbinding world without fear of repercussions.

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