Have You Experienced Interference With People Close To You?

negativeMichelle Walling, CHLC – Those of us who continue to raise our vibration are moving away from the realm where we can be energetically attacked. Because of this, the AI/Draco/Reptilian/Archontic agenda has ramped up to affect those around us. This ploy is designed to attempt to lower our vibration through interpersonal contact with those that we have contact with in our lives.

To get to a place where you can no longer be triggered by negativity and Archontic programming, it takes a lot of grounding and centering through connecting with your higher self within, as well as communing with Source. It takes declaring your sovereignty and being aware of situations that opened you up to the gremlins. Keeping a hard core golden aura barrier in tact is a guaranteed method of protecting yourself and keeping the door locked to influence. Raising your vibration above the level of the archontic programming is key.

However, as we do this, we also increase our light quotient and set off the monitoring alarms for the negative beings who are keeping track of the light quotient. The focus now turns to trying to diminish your light so that the overall minimum required light quotient that we are holding will be affected in the collective human consciousness.

It is obvious to me that the Archontic forces are desperate. They have many tools with which to attack. Just like in the movie The Matrix, anyone in your reality that is not awake and aware can be a host for an “Agent Smith”. In the movie, the artificial intelligence of the matrix can “jump” in and out of any human body. There is also evidence that disembodied entities (people who have died and have stayed Earthbound) can jump into a human body. I have recently been told about the etheric “alien torture devices” that can cause pain or even put obsessive and recurring thoughts into someone’s mind. Finally, Reptilians have to ability to merge in and out of a human body as well.

For those who are not awake and aware and are not in control of their own body, thoughts, and actions, they have become prime targets for the archontic agenda to act through their bodies in order to affect those who are attempting to break free from the matrix. In two particular cases a few years ago, my son and a worker who was painting my house were both bombarded with negative and sadistic energies and were turned against me in order to try diminish my light. Each attack was so unbelievable that I found myself in shock from the brazen demonic desperation to take me down in vibration. I won’t go into the details, but I am sharing that this happened because I know that it will help someone else understand that these things can happen.

The guy painting my house was actually awakening and knew he had been triggered all his life, and was seeking help from me on how to defend himself. All it takes is a siesta from your awareness through alcohol or drugs to open the door to be taken over, which is what happened in this case as his consciousness left his body enough for the archontic forces to step in. He had no remembrance of what had happened.

During the attacks, I had to expel an amount of energy that any normal human would not be able to keep inside. Feelings of anger and hurt flowed through me and I probably reacted more on the negative side than I should have. However, I learned so much from this and I could never have held those feelings inside of me. I had to allow them to flow through me and eventually learned how to transmute them into balanced energy.

As I was recovering and powering up my supply of light within, I also had inner guidance that reminded me to retract all of the negative thoughts and emotions that I had created. I made a declaration outloud to retract all of the negative energy I created from these incidents. Then I was reminded to go all the way back in this lifetime and then to every lifetime my oversoul has had! I used this magnificent body of mine to pull all of this negativity into my heart center and transmuted it while in the shower, with the amplification of my intent flowing through the water. I had communed with Mother Nature through the water and had asked for my higher guidance to help me draw these energies back to me and allow them to flow without sticking to me.

Although I have a wonderful team of protection around me and I have declared my sovereign free-willed power, the people that they are attacking had allowed them in unconsciously through their willingness and/or incapacity to defend themselves. This really pissed me off because although my son has enough protection to keep them from being seriously harmed, my team cannot stop the attacks if free will opens the door. However, they can also gang up on them and over power them.

I made a declaration out loud that they had screwed with the wrong person when they decided to go to my close family and various people in my life. I asked the Universe to take those who have proven that they had no chance of rehabilitation to Source to be reconstituted back to another form of energy so that they can no longer harm anyone. I was delighted to later read Serena Woods’ version of this as posted HERE in howtoexitthematrix.com. This was my confirmation that other people had been through similar situations. It also seems that Mercury in retrograde helps to allow for these incidents to have the ability to manifest.

Finally, the last thing I had to do for now is to remove people that could be overtaken temporarily from my life. It was a very hard thing to do, but cutting all ties will protect them from being triggered and the negative forces will move away from them. I have come to realize that it is my energy they want, triggered through other people. So far it has worked.

The tricksters still take every opportunity to screw with any person that I come into contact with. This includes hotel clerks, grocery clerks, people driving in cars, construction workers, TSA airport security, door to door salesmen, and the list goes on and on. The way I deal with this is to laugh my way through it. Eventually by raising the vibration of the situation in the here and now, the tricksters get defeated and move on.

As a side note, I also take Himalayan sea salt and baking soda baths in order to keep my energy cleared and balanced. Smudging is really  good in the house. Any method you prefer to use that keeps you protected and allows you to concentrate on raising your vibration is important during and after such attacks. I cannot stress enough communing with nature as a way to center and ground yourself.

The bottom line is that the negative forces that are trapped here with us are trying to bring us down. This is the last showdown and those of us that are shining our lights on the shadows are bringing attention to ourselves but cannot be interfered with as long as we stay conscious and aware of what they are trying to do. Staying grounded and working hard to keep your vibration raised and your energy field cleared are imperative in getting through these attacks. Sending love and forgiveness to those who have been used against you in an attack is important because most of the time they do not realize what has happened, and in some cases their memory is wiped of the whole event. It truly is amazing to watch this last battle unfold, but we are winning this war on consciousness and the evidence is in the desperation and failing attempts of energy vampirism cloaked in ridiculousness.

SF Source HowToExitTheMatrix.com March 2017

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