Improve weight loss and slow process of aging with newly discovered anti-obesity hormone!

irisinLynn Griffith – Many studies show that exercise is associated with a positive boost in mood and lower rates of depression.  During exercise, the body releases endorphins that interact with receptors in the brain and reduce perception of pain.  These endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body that is similar to morphine.  This feeling is often identified as a “runner’s high.”(1)

Irisin is a hormone that is also linked to the positive benefits of exercise.  Irisin was first discovered by Harvard scientist, Bruce Spiegelman, in 2012.  Spiegelman found that this hormone was released from the muscle cells after endurance exercise. (2)

Exercise induced hormone, Irisin, is released from the muscle cells following endurance exercise

Irisin is capable of reprogramming fat cells to burn energy instead of storing it.  It increases the body’s metabolic rate and has anti-obesity effects.  When the levels of irisin rise, the hormone switches genes on that convert white fat into brown fat.  Brown fat has been found to burn off more calories, help people remain at a healthy weight, and reverse health conditions associated with obesity.(2)

There has been confusion since the discovery of irisin as to whether this hormone really does exist.  Spiegelman reports that the disagreement came down to how the irisin protein is made in the muscle cells.  In order to address this confusion, researchers from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School utilized mass spectrometry techniques, which showed that the irisin hormone uses a rare signal to initiate its production.(3)

As an added benefit of this further analysis, researchers now had a way to measure how much irisin increases following exercise.  The latest research not only confirms that this hormone does exist, but also confirms that it is specifically linked to exercise. (3)

Additional research confirms Irisin’s existence and allows researchers the ability to measure levels of Irisin in the blood

The production of irisin has also been linked to slowing the aging process.  Research from Aston University found that telomeres at the end of chromosomes affect how quickly cells age.  As the telomeres become shorter, the structural integrity of the cell weakens, causing the cell to age and die younger.  Shorter telomeres are associated with cancer, stroke, vascular dementia, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes. (2)

Irisin protects cells and slows aging process!

The research team found a significant link between the levels of irisin in the blood and telomere length.  This means that people who exercise gain more irisin, and therefore, have longer telomeres which slow down the aging process. (2)

There is no better time than the present to start an exercise program.  Exercise may help improve your mental wellbeing and slow down the process of aging!

Sources for this article include:


SF Source The Raw Food World  Sep 2015

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