Censored, But Free Of The Hive

TrumpDr. Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal – It’s been a little over a week since Twitter suspended my account, “@DrDannielle,” on January 8, 2021, along with many other Trump supporters (General Flynn, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood), in the wake of January 6 U.S. Capitol insurrection, because the “hive” ensured the attack was immediately blamed on Trump.

Of course there is evidence that radical Leftists planned that insurrection and were enabled by the mainstream media as well as elected officials. These enablers are the same people who, along with me, have watched radical Leftists, anarchists, self-described “Antifa” and “BLM” activists kill, burn, dox, and destroy without consequence nationwide, for years, starting with President Trump’s 2017 inauguration.

It is not fair to be censored simply because your opinions challenge established authority. But in the end I think it’s been good for me. I had become addicted to Twitter, in particular, and spent too much time listening to the conversation of others as opposed to thinking for myself.

Now that I have some peace and quiet to reflect, it seems to me that the lockdown of Washington, D.C. cannot possibly be in response to the breach of the U.S. Capitol alone; it is far too extensive. I believe that this “buildup” or whatever you want to call it has been planned not for days or a week, but months or perhaps years; I recall going to the city in approximately March 2020, walking around, and seeing unusual military activity at that time.

Based on the totality of my own personal research and observation, I believe that we are about to see President Trump, aided by the military, finally carry out the lawful actions necessary to dismantle a conspiracy to overthrow the government.

I believe that the actions we will soon see have been planned and coordinated by a small group, at the highest levels of government, for years, and that the plan pre-dates the arrival of President Trump to the Office of the Presidency.

I further believe that although it might not seem that way, significant powerful individuals are actually playing the role of opponents to President Trump so that the plan to save our country can go forward. I say this not based on my own innovative thinking, but on many statements and analyses, including those by the anonymous writer known as “Q.”

That being said, things can always go either way, and my bright hopes may yet be dashed.

One has to go on. I am grateful, in a really indescribable way, to those Patriots (regardless of their personal political views, which are irrelevant to me) who have sacrificed their lives, their personal safety, their families, their reputations, and so much else — just so that the rest of us can be free.

I am grateful to have a free mind and the ability to share my thoughts with the world in at least some form or fashion.

And I am grateful to be off of Twitter.

SF Source Danielle Blumenthal Jan 2021

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