It’s All Perfect, And So Are You

EarthJennifer Hoffman – We may not feel like everything in our life is perfect but we definitely know what’s imperfect. We feel stuck, life isn’t flowing, we don’t have any money, our love life is nonexistent-that’s what we call imperfect. But in the Universe there is no concept of imperfection and everything in our life is ‘perfect’ because we created it, we are perfect so everything we create must also be perfect.

When we start judging what we create as good or bad, perfect or imperfect, we are in polarity and we invite opposing energies to create greater examples of perfect and imperfect for us.

Our definition of ‘perfect’ is something that is well, perfect. We use the world to describe our optimum life experience, when we’re in the flow, happy, everything in our life makes us happy, we’re stable and secure and we feel in control. The issue with perfection is that we have made it mean some ideal state but it really means something that ideally expresses a particular state. And in this way everything in our life is perfect because it is all a mirror of what we have created with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

The flow of our life can never be at a higher energy or achieve a different outcome than what we intend and allow. So if we want joy, flow, abundance, love and success, we have to set an intention for those things, create and maintain the levels of vibration that will support and sustain them and see ourselves as moving from one level of perfection to another.

What we have created is perfect and what we are creating in the next step is also perfect. When we can see our lives in perfection at all times and in all situations, we acknowledge our power, take responsibility for our reality and stay out of victimhood and fear, both of which prevent us from being aligned with a higher vibration.

How can we think that being unhappy, broke, unloved and feeling out of control are anywhere close to perfect? By acknowledging ourselves as creator of our reality. And who can make them different? We can immediately shift the energy in these situations by acknowledging our creation with the statement “I made that” and our power to shift the energy with the statement “I can now make something different.”

When we do this with everything in our life, we keep the energy moving which is a better use of our creative power than to wallow in self pity, moan and groan about how bad our life is and forget who created it and who has the power to change it.

This week’s energy work. Make a list of everything you think is imperfect in your life. Don’t be judgmental or critical, just write down everything you think is wrong with your life and how it is or isn’t working. Then, when you have written it all down, next to each one write down how you can change it, starting each sentence with

“It is perfect that I now am/have _________ and I now move it into a new state of perfection by ______.”

For example, if you wrote that you love life is imperfect, write down “The love life I now have is perfect and I can change it by being willing to give and receive love now.”

Do this exercise thoughtfully and take your time because as you claim perfection in your life, you also acknowledge your power to create something different.

Jennifer Hoffman Enlightening Life All Rights Reserved

SF Source  Enlightening Life December 19 2011

3 thoughts on “It’s All Perfect, And So Are You

  1. I pondered this concept for a bit. Being one who believes in God my creator and the One who I know for certain as instrumented events to help me learn, grow, and have the wisdom to help others in need, I believe we can’t change or create everything but can with some things. What I do believe however is that in all things we can decided on how we will perceive, or embrace those things. Or perhaps we reject them and find another course. I know if God has another plan for me, no matter how much I may want something, it just won’t happen. So I went with it and adjusted my thinking and finding an adventureous attitude to see what I could learn to help me and others. To me that is perfect. That we can choose how we will feel. The world is not perfect. And I have never met a person who was. I see some who are very balanced and centered in their lives despite the imperfectness because of their attitude and decision to flow with life and make our attitudes perfected for the situation we are in. It was an interesting post.

    1. This is a tricky issue, to be sure. If everything in life is vibration — vibratory rates, and we move our sense of self into a new vibratory rate how we can not experience the fruit of that new vibratory rate? Conversely, if we are to meet someone in life at a certain time and place events certainly do seem to conspire to insure that we arrive in that moment and meet that someone, even if we have no ego-level knowledge that meeting will occur. So there is certainly more to this reality than ego wants, needs and desires.

      Thanks for your comment. Very thoughtful. Blessings. Gillian

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