James Corbett ~ Are UFOs An Intelligence Psyop? [Video]

“Do you think that some of the more outlandish conspiracy theories you see online (this subreddit included) about ancient cults, UFOs, the occult, and secret advanced technology actually do more to help the international banking cartel continue to perpetuate their financial schemes by deterring otherwise serious researchers from studying what is really hidden at the top of the financial “pyramid”?


Do you think that elements of the intelligence apparatus owned by this global banking monopoly are partially behind these outlandish theories? In the same way that the US gov’t encourages people to believe there are UFOs at Area 51 to hide the real aircraft research that happens there, do secret online CIA trolls tell stories about the Illuminati and Zionists to hide more mundane crimes of greed and psychopathy? As the international banking system is slowly being publicly revealed as the pyramid scheme that it is, how do you suggest people involved/employed within the establishment media (like myself) approach these subjects, while avoiding the psychological traps set in the minds of others by these ideas?”

SF Source corbettreport  Nov 3 2014

One thought on “James Corbett ~ Are UFOs An Intelligence Psyop? [Video]

  1. The individual problems and complexities which beset the world at this time seem almost unreal and
    incomprehensible when each is viewed in isolation. Especially when specialists concentrate on their own area of assumed expertise to the exclusion of a wholistic and holistic consciousness.
    Two examples for consideration:
    – The cause of the ever-increasing and destructive financial debt level is explainable, and yet it is being actively allowed to continue?
    – Millions of fellow humans are suffering and dying at the hands of otherwise caring people, simply because we very strangely turn a blind eye to the political nonsense which is actually funding those classed as our enemy simply to keep the momentum of war going.

    These are just two of numerous activities which are obviously being used to instil fear into our psyche and remove our basic human values of compassion and tolerance.
    Why is it happening? Why are we permitting it? What can we do about it?
    Many enlightened people like David Icke have been warning us about where we are now finding ourselves, by telling us that an alien race has mutated our DNA and is successfully controlling us as slaves to their will. It is amazing to me that so few people are unaware that 95 % of our DNA is now called “Rubbish DNA”, no wonder the human race is in such a poor state of deterioration. In early days these warnings appeared ridiculous and unjustified and were either ignored or branded as “conspiracy theories” by those who did not want us to anticipate and therefore mitigate the horrors we now face.
    The end- game now being played , in which we find ourselves without rules or precedent, is one that needs us to stretch our powers of imagination.
    EVERYTHING of which our minds can be aware is manifested to us according to our perception of the vibrations which stimulate our senses. And in material human reality these senses are now extremely limited in operation and interpretation, in accord with the degree of development of the material brain which processes them.

    So, the “All-that-is” is a product and manifestation of the vibration of Consciousness.
    Imagine this “mysterious-something ” to be in the form of a giant keyboard, or a pie-chart.
    The dimension we believe ourself to be enclosed in is a spectrum of vibration on this key board, an octave, manifesting within the range of Light which we visualise as a reflection from the Sun of Our universe.
    The Beings who have mutated our vehicle of operation are not from somewhere ‘out-there’ in our conception of ‘space’, they are simply in other slices of the giant pie chart of consciousness; they play out their experiences on different keys of vibration not contained within the spectrum of light . And so are ‘alien’ to us.
    They are multi-dimensional, paraphysical Beings who are indigenous to other aspects of Consciousness which share our own Planet Earth in a hyper dimensional reality. UFOs and Crop circles (et.al ) are visual perceptions projected by them into our dimension of sensory awareness. They do not come here from anywhere; despite the nonsense being injected into our receptive minds. As Beings who by evolution vibrate to a frequency of love, WE are prone to be too accommodating and accepting of thoughts given to us.
    Those alien to us are always here, outside the vibrational boundaries of physical light.
    They are limited in their ability to share our “world” because it IS alien to them. So to manipulate our behaviour as controlled slaves they simply invade the minds of those who are elected as our human leaders and hypnotise them to do their work for them. In this process amazing mind manipulating control mechanisms are put into place such as religion, economics and politics.
    So for the majority of mankind our ‘enemy’ is seen to be the pathological humans who are being manipulated, and not the manipulators. To this end these parasitical predators are cunningly being presented to us as friendly saviours who are coming to help us. God help us? Even (s)he, as understood by the manipulated consensus reality, is but a mental construct placed within our minds to represent them.
    We humans are an evolution of the power and message of LIFE contained within light. And our acceptance of this is our defence against these dark marauders. Light generates the conscious awareness of beauty, joy and biological fulfillment which cannot be known or shared by those who are alien to it.
    Fill your portion of consciousness with the conscious frequency of the Light reflected from our Sun.
    Give continuous gratitude for the experience of “Joie de Vivre”, share it continuously with your fellow humans; including those poor souls who have been seduced by the darkness to generate a false reality for themselves. Their incursion into those alien realms will be their own downfall if we do not save them.
    But first – Save yourself ! Accept your ONENESS with the light of the sun. If we now hold our point of consciousness within it then darkness cannot and dare not drag us into its lair.
    I am totally alive, I am a fractual of the sun, the whole of life that is known to me is a product of its vibration, and its attraction WILL draw me into even higher and more profound experiences of oneness with the source of all consciousness. P.H. A fellow traveller.

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