Bless and Release

Enlightening Life | March 18 2012

This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for March 19, 2012

The process of transformation begins when you are aware of your dissatisfaction or unhappiness with your current reality. Energetically this has already happened for you in spirit at your highest levels of being, and as it begins to enter the density of your physical, mental and emotional awareness, you can either step into judgment or look for places to release energy. If you judge the situation you are empowering your fear. If you bless and release it, you embrace the new energies that are possible for you and allow transformation to occur.

Transformation occurs with the release, through energetic disconnection and closure, of what no longer serves your highest good and ascension path. In spirit this is a natural process and allows ascension to occur effortlessly. Ascension is a movement of energy from lower to higher levels, it is an awakening of your divinity and a re-connection of the human and divine within you. But within the density of humanity it is an opportunity for judgment and fear, of assuming a level of completion that may not be a potential for a situation. Your ego wants to be successful, in joy and at peace with every situation. Sometimes you must simply bless and release.

The closure that the ego wishes for is always one that will honor its self purpose, which can be misaligned with your soul’s knowing that all is in divine order, you have learned what you need and are energetically complete. Energetic completion is not the same as emotional and mental completion, which are the realms of the ego. The ego wants to be rewarded for its efforts, sacrifice, contributions and energy. The soul wants you to know effortless transition into new dimensions of being which are achieved when you bless and release.

As you breathe in the blessings of the learning you have experienced, breathe out the release of all energetic connections, allow the grace of effortlessness to give you closure and complete the healing so transformation can occur. Release the emotional connection to fear and pain and bring in a connection to joy and peace, allow the energetic closure to also spread to your emotions so you remember that you are worthy of the joy, peace and love your spirit desires for you and knows is possible when you are willing to bless and release energy and through this, create peace within the ego and emotions.

Copyright (c) 2012 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

5 thoughts on “Bless and Release

  1. Thank you for sharing, Jennifer! My family and I have all been feeling intensely compelled to change things! Change our work! Change our routines! Change the way we live! We talk often to “release” these pressures, but invariably become frustrated when we don’t hit upon solutions. I will share with them the importance of bless and release! Liz

  2. Wow profound and timely. Dealing with the ending of a three year relationship, and being stuck in fear, resentment, and pain. Ego wants to wrap things up in a tidy little package with a label of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ attached. Thanks for giving me some food for thought.

      1. Gillian, How are you ? Much Love & Sun from Germany 🙂
        I can only confirm AL, I just today wrote about exactly the same subject. So good to read this.
        There is no hazard. I should not even be surprised, aren’t we always led to the words we need to read ?

        Peace from a peaceful sunset I look at,

      2. Hello Caroline! Much love and sun from Liberty NC to you! Thanks for your comment. Everything seems to be about perception right now. Really glad Jennifer’s article resonated with you. Blessings ~G

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