Putting Magic In Your Own Words

JillsWingsOfLight  January 25 2014

EgyptianMusicalInstrumentThere is a secret power in language sounds. If everyone stopped talking, our energy would drop. Ancient people knew the power in sounds and words…not from the meaning, but from the sounds.

Historian Schwaller de Lubicz[1] discovered that in rituals the ancient Egyptians used “sound formulas” that were not words and had no meanings. He reported that, ‘”Sacred or magical language is not to be understood as a succession of terms with definite meanings… the excitation of certain nervous centres [cause] physiological effects [which] are evoked by the utterance of certain letters or words which make no sense in themselves.”[2]

Confirming this, an ancient Egyptian named Asklepios said in a letter to King Amman, “As for us, we do not use simple words but sounds all filled with power.”[3]

In ancient Egypt, there was a form of vocal music called layali, was used and repeated the syllables, ya, leal and einy.[4]

Other languages and cultures also had linked certain sounds with very specific healing benefits!

“Hu” is the mystical Sufi’s sacred sound… “Hu” creates a burning sensation in one’s head if you say it over and over.

Ha, ha, also begins with H, stimulating glands, especially the thymus.

Try this incredible exercise!

Hold a glass of water with intent to pass energy to the water. Take four breathes through your nose and exhale from your mouth to the water, making a ha sound, then take four normal breaths, then four deep breaths. The deep ha breaths pass energy and the normal ones keep you from getting light headed. The water may start to bubble and turn pale blue.

The medical society confirms that laughter boosts the immune system.

The Taoists say that:

* Ssss helps the lunges
* Who is for kidneys
* Sshhh is for liver
* Haw is for heart
* Woo is for spleen

Here is some more spiritual advice about certain sounds!

* OM – open mouth for o and closed mouth for m
* The sound “AM” is equivalent of I AM.

Jill, a four time author/soundhealing expert, uses Sound Healing techniques with original music. Free soundhealing mp3s at bottom of home page: www.JillsWingsOfLight.com. Special frequencies expand our consciousness; musical intervals, rhythms and harmonics may be directed to produce special effects!

#1 free mp3 (Paint your Soul) contains soul soothing music & the Fibonacci numbers, vibrational patterns that God used in creating our world, transposed into tones. Also embedded arethe Solfeggio tones to enhance spiritual enlightenment. #2 free mp3 – (Star Dust CD) – contains heavenly music with the sounds of the planets and trace elements of stars! #3 free mp3 – Listen to the literal sounds of beautiful flower energy, embedded in the Healing Flower Symphonies.

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