JK Rowling’s Brutal Takedown Of Disturbing Trans Agenda

JK Rowling's Brutal Takedown Of Disturbing Trans AgendaThe woke left-wing outrage mob may have gone too far.

More traditional liberal Democrats are finally speaking up.

And Harry Potter author JK Rowling sent the woke left-wing outrage mob into hysterics with this brutal takedown of their disturbing agenda.

Out of all the bad ideas woke Democrats have put forward, radical gender ideology is at the top of the list.

These extremists want to obliterate the idea that there are any biological differences between males and females – a direct assault on objective truth, not to mention science, which they have previously claimed is never wrong when it fits their narrative. But acclaimed Harry Potter author JK Rowling refuses to bend the knee to the left-wing outrage mob.

Rowling, a lifelong leftist, has drawn a line in the sand on the issue of radical gender ideology, and as a result, she has been harassed nonstop by her fellow leftists.

Even the former child actors, who would be far less rich and famous if not for the work she put in building Harry Potter into a cultural phenomenon, threw her under the bus.

However, Rowling has not backed down, and she recently called out the absurdity of allowing biological males to be housed in women’s prisons.

“The trans activist outrage that ensues on here whenever I share my belief that jailed women shouldn’t be used as validation tools or emotional support props for trans-identified male sex offenders is as revealing as it’s predictable,” Rowling wrote.

The Left has become so consumed by ideology that they’re defending such an insane practice.

“Such activists can’t bring themselves to concede that a man who was convicted of harming women/girls ought not to be incarcerated with the demographic to whom he is a proven danger, because if they do, all their stock arguments (‘no sexual predator would bother to pretend to be trans’, ‘no trans woman has ever harmed a woman in a women’s only space’, ‘there is no danger in making all single sex spaces unisex’) are exposed as the lies they are,” Rowling continued. “If they admit that even a single man isn’t a woman because he says he is, the entire edifice of gender identity ideology crumbles.”

“This leaves activists who rely on bullying and slogans with nowhere to go but ‘you hate all trans people’, ‘so you’re saying all trans people are rapists’ and, of course, ‘you are causing a trans genocide,’” she added.

The woke left-wing outrage mob have to rely on propaganda and bullying tactics to enforce their ideology because everyone can see how ridiculous it is.

“I think this particular issue also causes conniptions because it threatens the activists’ self image,” Rowling added. “These are people who preen themselves on their kindness and virtue, so acknowledging the truth – that they’re indifferent to vulnerable women being assaulted or traumatized – threatens the idea they have of themselves. They therefore double down. The prisoners complaining aren’t really afraid of rape or voyeurism or violence at all, they say. They’re ‘not exactly delicate flowers’, as one self-identified empath put it.”

As Rowling pointed out, they are actually blaming victims who are assaulted and raped in women’s prisons.

“If you support putting violent and sexually predatory men into women’s prisons, you are knowingly forcing those women to live in fear of, and, in some proven cases, to suffer abuse that many of them will have endured pre-incarceration,” she concluded. “You are not kind. You are not righteous. Women have the basic human right not to suffer cruel and unusual punishment.”

Rowling’s coda is perhaps her most important point of all.

These activists are not compassionate or empathic – they seek to torment and destroy anyone who disagrees with them.

But people are getting more and more fed up.

SF Source Conservative Underground Feb 2024

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