“Some Day They’ll Give A War And Nobody Will Come”

Laura Bruno’s Blog | July 22 2012

Yesterday I read an extremely enthusiastic call to mass meditation during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. As many long term blog readers know, I love a good mass meditation –under certain circumstances and with clear, focused intent. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with focusing on Universal Love, the suggestions of this particular meditation gave me the heebeejeebee’s. The guidelines for this mass meditation suggest tuning in to all the viewers and imagining them all feeling massive amounts of love as they watch the Satanic ritual spectacle presented as entertainment and celebration of the Olympiad.

I hear, see and feel several problems with this scenario:

1) There is now a large amount of speculation, evidence and insider revelation indicating diabolical intent behind the 2012 Olympics. From seemingly deliberate breaches in security to the 200,000 caskets ordered (able to hold four persons each), to the missiles placed on top of apartment buildings, to the nuclear waste dump beneath the stadium, to the “artwork” celebrating chaos and destruction, to the business partner of 9/11′s Larry Silverstein owning the Gates, to the police state setup, to the convenient “suicide” of Rik Clay after he exposed Illuminati symbolism and New World Order finalization of the 2012 Olympics … even those who usually reject “conspiracy theories” have an ill feeling about this year’s Games.

After the overt Satanic Rituals earlier this year, in particular, the mega-televised Black Mass enacted during the Grammy’s, it seems likely that the 2012 Olympics’ specially selected location, dates, names and symbols have been designed and intended to usher in a New Age. And by New Age, I don’t mean a Golden one. While many people know about the police state aspects of the New World Order, they don’t realize that this grab for control includes control over every aspect of life — especially spiritual. Whether people know it or not, there’s a war going on, and it’s primarily a war for your soul.

Most people can’t grasp this concept because it sounds psychotic. Why would anyone want someone else to worship them? Why would anyone seek that kind of insane control over others? We tend to project our own experiences and desires onto others, but unless you’re a narcissist or psychopath yourself — or have moved beyond projection — then you likely won’t recognize the degree of depravity and insatiable consumption of those who’ve quietly ruled our world from behind the curtain. The LIBOR bank rate rigging scandal has begun to show the intricate collusion, corruption and other aspects, but the bigger, more shocking revelations have yet to go mainstream.

For now, it is enough to know that the sickos behind the 2012 Olympics have absolute faith in the power and necessity of ritual, including human sacrifice. These “people” are so disconnected from God/Source that they have no Love/Light energy (power) on their own. By televising and making the rituals larger and larger, adding billions of humans’ focus to the mix, they intensify their offerings to whatever entity they feel they’re serving. If they can manipulate viewers (i.e. unknowing participants in the ritual) to run the gamut of peak emotions of Love and then utter fear, so much the better.

The trouble with Lightworkers conducting mass meditations centered around the opening and closing ceremonies is that most Lightworkers remain too naive to understand what they’re fueling. This is not a judgement. It’s just a fact that most Lightworkers and the general population of human would-be-do-gooders don’t understand how energy works. Energy is energy. If you know how to surf it or transmute it, you can change it into anything. As crazy as they are, the people running our world have managed to consolidate power because they do know how energy works. They have not only studied and monopolized secret, esoteric wisdom from the ages, but they have also funneled billions, perhaps trillions of dollars into black-ops, psy-ops and studies about neuroscience and mind-control.

Don’t believe me? It might interest you to know that the Dark Knight “lone shooter” was a PhD student in a CIA funded program about experimental neuroscience. He took part in those experiments and somehow, this unemployed grad student wound up with $20K of highly sophisticated military weaponry and armor and started shooting –sacrificing– innocents on a New Moon ritual. In jail, he remains convinced that he’s part of an unalterable movie script. Who gave him the equipment? Where did a neuropsych student learn how to rig such complicated bombs that could have blown up his entire apartment complex? And why did he bother to tell authorities? Classic Manchurian Candidate.

Still don’t believe me? Google “conversational hypnosis politics” and see what you find. Look up “sacred symbols advertising” or “religious symbols media.” See what you find. We live in a symbolically illiterate culture. Unless you’ve taken the time to study mythology, sacred geometry, Runes and Archetypes — extensively — then you remain easily manipulated. The subconscious craves spiritual experiences and rituals. In a world devoid of natural, positive, non-corrupted rituals, people are so starved that they’ll swallow anything. And often do. In this meditation that suggests watching the opening ceremony, innocent people will find themselves drawn in. Your subconscious mind creates your world. If you feed it tons of energy while watching a carefully orchestrated Satanic ritual, you will dramatically amplify the informed, unconflicted intent of the savvy psychopaths who designed the ritual. You will become a powerful participant in that ritual.

2) While the idea of sharing love with all humanity comes from a heartfelt place, superimposing that love onto rituals meticulously designed to destroy humanity could easily backfire. Remember, “A spoonful of sugar helps the ‘medicine’ go down.” Whereas the deepest part of humanity revolts at the cold, calculated ridicule of everything sacred, if billions of viewers feel Love while subconsciously swallowing poison, that poison gets in deeper.

3) A safer, more positive suggestion for helping raise the Collective vibe would be “think globally, act locally.” Turn off your tell-LIE-visions and go outside. Want to feel at one in the Universe? Go hug a tree; talk with your neighbor; interact with animals in nature. Forget the Olympics. Don’t give them anymore of your energy. Unless you have honed your ability to direct your own energy in highly specific ways with verified, consistent results, then the best thing you can do to raise the Olympic vibe of love for all humanity is to demonstrate love for yourself and those in your immediate surroundings.

Get mushy if you must. Share your own triumphs instead of vicariously living through Olympic athletes. Share your own joys instead of letting the media giants falsify and manipulate your emotions. If you want to feel the interconnectedness of all humans and Unity Consciousness, then start with your immediate surroundings and make tangible shifts in your own, direct experience. Abstraction tends to remove you from the here and now. It removes you from your body and from your own, innate wisdom and connection to Source. If you want Unity Consciousness with something positive instead of some fake, NWO One World Religion, then tune into your own Divinity and practice seeing that in everyone and everything. Moment by moment. You can practice extra often during the Olympics, but tend to your own vibration. Change begins within.

If you feel you have specific skills in the energy sending or focus department, then I still emphasize the above suggestions. You can also intend discernment for anyone watching the Games, and you can, perhaps, surrender and release the intention that something disrupts the carefully planned negative events. Maybe the television cameras don’t work. Maybe the sound and light systems goof up just enough to distract the full concentration required to carry out an effective ritual. The how doesn’t matter so much as the mischievous little winks from the Universe that say, “Um, no. This does not align with Source and so it will not receive positive synchronization.” Faeries, elves, crystals, children, the wiser subconscious parts of participants … all can be showered with Love and Discernment in order to support the right people recognizing anything untoward and reporting such things to the right authorities.

The power of strategic distraction can protect billions of people from swallowing poison and False Flags hook, line and sinker. If you feel you must participate in some way, then disruption of the ritual would be more positive than trying to shift the negative to positive. Most people simply don’t have the sustained focus and esoteric knowledge to override decades of planning and intent. I would suggest such visualization take place prior to the actual events, but pull all your energy back into yourself and your immediate environment during the events. As Carl Sandburg said, “Some day they’ll give a war and nobody will come.” Stop participating in the madness and watch it evaporate. Very few people want to play these Games anymore. Remove your attention from those things you don’t want, and tend to your own vibration and your own reality creation. You just might find yourself living more fully than you ever thought possible.

And that, my friends, is the most powerful, loving contribution you can make to our world and its Ascension. Practice Unconditional Love for yourself and others. Then let the Universe sort itself. Namaste.

11 thoughts on ““Some Day They’ll Give A War And Nobody Will Come”

  1. Good info Laura, thank you! I was torn between watching while sending reiki or not watching at all. I am going the route of ‘not watching’ but sending reiki to mother earth so she can deal with this on her terms.

  2. Excellent insights for our creative intentions as we navigate this timeline of consciousness. Freely join with the Great Central Sun of our Creator and manifest a CME of guided love towards our planet that strategically disables only the global satellite infrastructure needed to broadcast their ceremony around the world. Disable their command and control technology to shield the innocent masses from unwittingly being manipulated by their grand design. As always, exist in a vibration of love and gratitude that grounds and amplifies our Creator’s boundless love and awakens Us to fulfill Our destiny. We are powerful beings. Remember…

  3. Perfectly said, Laura, and excellent advice, thank you. I’m thinking there is “timeline fixing” at work here and we can choose. Mine has no TV and no Olympics. The action is where your attention is focused, 3D SHTF, or 5D multidimensional love/play. Love, B.

  4. This is powerful! I will post this every where I can to get this message out to the lightworkers. Thank you so very, very much!
    Love and light.

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