Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

lightAs you move into greater light, be kind to yourselves and one another, dear ones, for just as when you take the flashlight into the darkened room and see all the dirt and dust, so too when you increase your light – you will see all the areas in life where you have settled for less than the love you truly desire. You will find yourself sometimes getting irritable, uncharacteristically down, or resisting things that no longer suit you. While this is a normal and natural phase, the trick to happiness is to simply acknowledge these feelings and get on with creating a life that matches your new vibration.

Suppose for example, you have been putting up with less than loving behaviors from another. You learn, grow, and increase your light. Although the desire would be to love the world and yourself more, at first you may suddenly find yourself upset, intolerant, and irritable at these behaviors that once seemed “tolerable.”

Celebrate if you feel this, but by all means, try not to take out your upset on the other person involved, for in reality, it was you that stayed in the situation, you that did not speak up, or you that gave up on finding a way to communicate. We are not, at all, suggesting that you “best yourself up,” but rather that you remind yourself… “I had the power to stay in this situation and now I have the power to make different choices.”

What is the most loving thing you can do? Vent in private? Burn off some steam? Have a loving conversation or maybe set some firm boundaries? Ask yourself dear ones, then make change. Your upset occurs simply because you have brought the flashlight into a darkened room and now you want to “tidy up!” You want to increase the light in your life and stop allowing the darkness to dim your light.

If you allow yourself a bit of healthy outlet, and then decide upon a loving course of action or change, the upset will diminish. The love will once again begin to flow. And you will see that you need never give your power away to another or to a situation, but rather must simply own your power to make loving choice.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

SF Source Visions Of Heaven  Mar 7 2015

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