Alternate Ways to Lose Weight Faster

For most people, losing weight is something that they mean to do but can’t necessarily find the time or proper motivation to do so. If traditional methods, such as regular dieting and exercise, have only failed for you time and time again, don’t give up hope! Here are some alternate weight loss methods that should help you on your journey to reaching your ideal body.

Body Type

There are many alternate methods to weight loss, it’s just a matter of finding your niche. Every person’s body is different and requires different care and maintenance. Finding what works for you is the way to really ensure that you are in control of your health, physically and mentally.

Get Creative

Creativity is key. Generally, diet plans are organized with a majority of the population in mind. If you aren’t exactly like everybody else, you have to get creative with your dieting and exercising. Having a great method for dieting that works for you is vital to maintaining good health.

Try this: For a predesignated amount of time, you absolutely must cook everything you eat yourself. If you are craving a cheeseburger, you cannot just go out to McDonalds and grab a burger, you have to actually make it on your own. When you really think about how much time goes into preparing and cooking an actual burger, you will most likely think twice about your impulse craving. Even if you do actually make the burger yourself, it’s still going to be better for you than processed fast food. This diet method also completely rules out super processed and sugary products like candy.


Hypnosis is a relatively unexplored aspect of weight loss. Hypnosis is a process in which you put yourself into a deep trance and concentrate on introspection. It’s almost like meditation. When you are hypnotized, you must focus on your hedonistic or gluttonous desires. Imagine them fading away, don’t ignore these feelings, know that they exist inside of you and that they are only just temptations. You are in control of your body, don’t let yourself get pushed around by your vices.


If you have been having some problems with relationships, hypnosis can help you focus on what you’re doing wrong and allow you to improve those problematic qualities. Improving your relationship or marriage will improve your outlook on life and lessen the need for comfort food or binge eating.

Changing Your Meals

The human body works on a strict time schedule and will not diverge from that clockwork for any reason. On average, the human stomach will empty itself completely of any food content in about 2 hours. By this logic, you should be eating small meals every 3-4 hours. You should eat about 6 times a day, but in smaller amounts. If you maintain a calorie threshold for each small meal, you are providing your body with a reliable and steady source of energy all throughout the day. Consistent energy will improve the way your body and mind functions exponentially.

If you haven’t had much luck recently, try some of these alternative weight loss methods out.

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