Mandatory Vaccinations Afoot: Medical Fascism Approaching Fast

vaccinationsMakia Freeman – Mandatory vaccinations are afoot as California has just achieved the horrific distinction of becoming the first state in the US to introduce compulsory vaccinations for both children and adults (bills SB277 and SB792 respectively). This goes to show that the NWO (New World Order) agenda of collectivism and medical fascism is fast approaching. There is no more time to sit on the fence, debate things intellectually or hide behind the excuse that certain agendas and events are just unprovable conspiracies. Suddenly it’s getting pretty real. By introducing mandatory vaccinations, the Government is essentially claiming it owns your body, it knows best when it comes to medicine and health, that the science behind vaccines is settled, and that it has the right to violate you if it deems in doing do that it’s “protecting the greater good”. How many people out there still consider that the Government forcibly injecting you with at least 10 toxic and carcinogenic vaccine adjuvants (such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, diploid cells from aborted fetal tissue, MSG, etc.) is not a violation?

Australia and Other Nations Also on Road to Mandatory Vaccinations

The Rockefeller Medicine-Big Pharma-NWO push towards mandatory vaccinations is unfortunately not limited to the USA. It’s worldwide. In April I wrote about how Australia, sadly, was following lockstep in the footprints of the US and becoming GMO and Vaccine Australia. In attempting to boost the immunization rate, the Australian Government removed religious exemptions for vaccines, bribed (“incentivized”) doctors to inject more of their patients and financially punished people by tightening up welfare eligibility for parents who fail to vaccinate their children. Other nations that already have mandatory vaccination laws (either at a state or federal level) include Malaysia, Latvia, Slovenia and Croatia.

WHO Can Order Mandatory Vaccinations in All 194 Signatory Nations

To those who have been following the unfolding of the New World Order, it is also unsurprising that the WHO (World Health Organization), another subsidiary of the Rockefeller-created UN (United Nations), has laws on its books to be able to declare mandatory vaccinations in all its 194 signatory states. As Jane Burgermeister reports:

“The International Health Regulations (IHR) pursuant to Article 21 of the Constitution of WHO came into force in June 2007 and allow the General-Director of WHO to declare an international health emergency. In such a case, the Director-General can impose regulations, including “sanitary and quarantine requirements and other procedures designed to prevent the international spread of disease”, also travel restrictions. 

In the event of WHO declaring a pandemie, WHO has the authority to order forced vaccinations around the world.

All 194 signatory countries to IHR must comply.”

Funny how all these organizations like the UN, WHO and the US Government have “Generals” like a Director-General, Surgeon-General or a Secretary-General. Maybe it’s because they’re actually corporate and military organizations in disguise – with the intent and possibly the partial ability to force things like mandatory vaccinations on the population.

Airplane Companies Discussing Mandatory Vaccinations Too

It seems the medical fascism is not limited to the ground. There were reports in February 2015 of airline companies considering the possibility of introducing mandatory vaccinations also. Thankfully nothing has transpired from this … yet. However the mere fact that airlines were even toying with the idea of forcing people to get vaccinated in order to board a plane is very ominous. We are facing the very real possibility that, if we do not submit and bow down to Big Pharma, with all its bribery, undue political influence, fraudulent marketing, falsification of data and junk science, we will lose our rights and freedoms, or the ability to live a “normal” life in this day and age, which includes things like air travel.

Idea of Mandatory Vaccinations Based on Pseudoscientific Myth of Herd Immunity

The main excuse and justification rolled out by Government, Big Pharma, the Western medical establishment and other pro-vaxxers for a national or global scheme like mandatory vaccinations is herd immunity. Behind that is the idea of collectivism or “for the greater good”. As I discussed in the article “Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom?“, herd immunity is a pseudoscientific myth. For starters, vaccine-induced immunity is not equivalent to real naturally-acquired immunity. Logic dictates that if vaccines really worked, the vaccinated would have no need to worry about a disease supposedly being spread by the unvaccinated, because the vaccinated would be protected. The very fact that they are worrying shows that there is serious doubt over the efficacy of vaccines.

Mandatory Vaccinations = Medical Fascism and Collectivism

Even if vaccines were 100% effective on everyone all of the time – which is very very far from the truth – mandatory vaccinations are still a horribly tyrannical manifestation of collectivism, the notion that all individuals must sacrifice their rights, desires and freedom for the greater good. Of course, the greater good is always defined by the State, or the small group of usually power-hungry individuals who have gained control of the helm of Government. The Government is now trying to claim it has the legal right to do what it wants with your body, including injecting full of poisons disguised as “medicine”, for whatever noble-sounding pretext it comes up with.

We have entered a dangerous chapter in the evolution of our society; we can only hope enough individuals recognize the inherent tyranny of mandatory vaccinations and rise up against them. Even people like Dr. Ron Paul, who as a Western medical doctor is actually in favor of vaccines, spoke out against the idea of compulsory vaccinations on the grounds of libertarianism and individual rights, which just goes to show that you don’t have to be against vaccines to believe in basic liberty.

Of course, whether people will comply with such oppression as mandatory vaccinations remains to be seen.


Want the latest commentary and analysis on Conspiracy, Natural Health, Sovereignty, Consciousness and more? Sign up for free blog updates! Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the global conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance.

SF Source The Freedom Articles  July 2015

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Makia Freeman is a Guest Writer for Shift Frequency

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5 thoughts on “Mandatory Vaccinations Afoot: Medical Fascism Approaching Fast

  1. From Makia Freeman – Mandatory vaccinations are afoot as California has just achieved the horrific distinction of becoming the first state in the US to introduce compulsory vaccinations for both children and adults (bills SB277 and SB792 respectively)
    But is that really the case? after doing some research it appears that
    The SB792 bill is for children
    The SB277 bill is ONLY for those who work at daycare centers.
    CA SB 792 mandates vaccines for day care and family day …

    The bill would add a new law forbidding a person to be employed at a day care … SB 792 passed the Senate Health Committee on April 15, 2015 by a vote of 8 …

    SB277 bill – is for those who work at daycare centers only.
    and that changes the story somewhat concerning enforced national vaccines ….

  2. I’ve been aware of this possibility for some time …. My facilitator and I discussed it a long time ago. Been doing google searches on the subject and am not finding what I want to know. And that is; how can we legally protect ourselves from this nitemare?

    Hopefully we will be able to get a note from a doctor who states that the shot is harmful to his patient due to the toxic ingredients. I knew this was coming, and now, we simply need some new legal avenues to be able to say NO to this nightmare.

    1. Hi CD! You write “Hopefully we will be able to get a note from a doctor who states that the shot is harmful to his patient due to the toxic ingredients. I knew this was coming, and now, we simply need some new legal avenues to be able to say NO to this nightmare.”

      Unfortunately, a note from an ethical doc is unlikely. Naysaying medical practitioners will likely find themselves facing backlash in the form of fines or even the rescindment of credentials.

      It will require civil disobedience in the form of refusal to submit. However, the more likely outcome is the law getting overturned once the monied class starts fleeing California as a result of this planned coerced invasion of their physical forms. The law won’t last much past the loss of revenue – g

    1. clairification: did some research on this subject and discovered that
      the SB277 bill is for children
      and the SB277 bill is for those who work at daycare centers.

      this changes the entire picture, and I’m wondering if the author realized this item?

      CA SB 792 mandates vaccines for day care and family day ……sb-792…/10153166952767931
      The bill would add a new law forbidding a person to be employed at a day care … SB 792 passed the Senate Health Committee on April 15, 2015 by a vote of 8 …

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