The Divine Harmonic Pulsation of Matter

Peter Borys, jr. – In a fear-based consciousness, we have made a separation of physical matter and spirit.  In this view, the physical frequencies are something less than the Divine essence.  While this perception can maintain that the spirit is the energy of matter and is immanent within matter, it still does not see and feel matter as spirit and spirit as matter.

matterIn order to reconcile the false spirit/matter split, we must recognize that matter as we currently experience it is a distortion of the true reality of matter.  The present physical consciousness that is the experience of limited matter is a distortion.  Matter in its pure state is the same as Divine spirit.  The physical is an organization of spirit emanating at various frequency levels.  In a fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation, what we experience through the narrow range of our physical senses and thinking mind is a false distortion of matter.

With the distortion as a fundamental starting point for exploring and transforming consciousness, humanity has sought wholeness by identifying with the universal spirit as “transcendent beyond, but immanent presence.”  This maintains the separation of spirit from the physical.  In the emanation of the Divine as information, consciousness, energy, and frequency, spirit is matter and matter is spirit.  It is only the distorting overlay of false frequencies of consciousness that maintain a dualistic separation.  Humanity is in a process of awakening to a resonance with the true Divine frequency of matter where we move beyond the distortion as starting point and into the realization of spirit as matter.

True Divine Matter

The Divine as matter is a pulsation of expansion and contraction.  It pulsates as a Divine harmonic of perfect action and perfect rest.  It is a perfect timing sequence of fluid motion.  The motion is so synchronic that is appears not to be in motion as we now understand movement in a physical universe with an experience of a false matter matrix overlay.  Words cannot fully express an expanding and contracting movement that is experienced as non-movement because current 3D language is part of the false separation vibration.

The experience of true Divine matter has not been part of the human experience on Earth.  Humanity was closer to the true Divine nature on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago, but not to the fullness that is awakening as the current dimensional hologram shifts in frequency.  The galactic information and solar transforming of light and sound frequencies is assisting a human awakening and resonance with true physical matter.  This is a Divine sequencing of the Divine soul emanating as a Divine physical body.  In heart consciousness, humanity is transforming to a knowing Light mind and Divine feeling body.

The true nature of matter is Divine which means there is no limitation, conflict, or separation.  The experience of matter as its true reality is a radical change from the illusion, veils, and overlays that has been the fear-based consciousness.  The true reality is here now.  The true and false frequencies are superimposed in the same one reality.  It all relates to the frequency of human consciousness.  Over thousands of years, the human mind and body has been conditioned to a fear-based limiting consciousness.  Humanity has not been experiencing true Divine matter either as a soul-body or the human collective because the false conditioning of consciousness resonates with the false overlay matrix of distorting, chaotic, and limiting frequencies.

The Shifting Resonance of the Divine Soul emanating as Divine Physical Body

The awakening, remembering, and transforming of human consciousness to resonate as Divine soul in, through, and as a Divine physical body is a huge change for humanity on Earth.  While the experience of the shift in human consciousness is so great, the shift in resonance is actually very subtle.  True matter and false matter are not really two different realities.  They are two differing frequency organizations of the same reality operating simultaneously.  It is all about shifting consciousness to the Divine frequency.  It is truly experiencing the Divine essence beyond frequency while seamlessly expressing as a Divine frequency on Earth.

In reference to the frequency of true physical matter, the experience of false matter is perpetually painful and limiting.  False matter is always out of balance or equilibrium because the pure harmonic of the infinite Divine expressing as a Divine physical body does not fully express in a fear-based consciousness.  The consciousness of true matter is harmonic—forever in balance and flow.  It is the essence that is love and creativity in a restful action on Earth.  There is no angst, conflict, or tension—just the pure freedom of creativity.  It is the beauty of Divine love.  May we continue to open to the freedom of infinite Divine awareness as matter and the emanation of our Divine soul as the physical body on Earth.

SF Source Multidimensional Humanity  May 2015

3 thoughts on “The Divine Harmonic Pulsation of Matter

  1. I thought divine pulsation was the fact that matter appears and disappears 27 times per second.

  2. “Over thousands of years, the human mind and body has been conditioned to a fear-based limiting consciousness.” Does this mean that we were more evolved earlier in our existence? That say, Neanderthals were more advanced/evolved spiritually than we are today? I would think not, as evolution (both physical AND spiritual) tends to want to move forwards. I think the early humans consciousness was much more fear-based; as the earlier development of our more primal brain- the limbic system suggests. How could we have been conditioned to a fear-based limiting consciousness, but then still account for the rapid evolutionary-type movements spirit has propelled recently in the large numbers of Awakenings???

    1. Hi Kristine! You write “Does this mean that we were more evolved earlier in our existence? That say, Neanderthals were more advanced/evolved spiritually than we are today?”

      The Neanderthals were pretty backward as far as I can tell.

      Those who speak of humanity once having high consciousness and then experiencing a fall in consciousness (from 12 strands of DNA down to 2) are not speaking about the Neanderthals. They are speaking of long dead civilizations linked to Lemuria and Atlantis, though likely going way further back in time than even these two. I don’t know much about Neanderthal spirituality but I imagine everything may have seemed quite the wondrous mystery to them.

      Thanks for visiting SF and commenting. g

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