Mainstream Media As A Military Weapon [Video]

mediaSGT Report – New guest Waldemar Perez, an engineer and former employee of the Department of Defense joins me to expose the mainstream mockingbird media as the MILITARY WEAPON it has become over recent decades. Waldemar’s presentation ‘Mainstream Media as a Weapon of Social Engineering and War’ had a profound impact on me after I discovered it recently on You Tube and posted it at SGT Report.


It’s never been more clear that multimillionaire CFR member mockingbirds like Diane Sawyer, Brian Williams, Erin Burnett, George Stephanopoulos, Andrea Mitchell and Mika Brzezinski, to name but just a few – are not just highly compensated actors. They are TRAITORS to the the United States of America and its people. Join us as we expose them.

Waldemar’s other presentations:

9/11 Aftermath: How it Relates to Current Geopolitical Developments (WW3 Stuff)…

9/11 Aftermath: The Militarization of Police…

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Mainstream Media as a Military Weapon for Social Engineering and War

Outline of presentation

* How racism has been used by the MSM (left and right) for war and domestic propaganda all the way back to WW2 when Japanese and communists were portrayed as sub-humans.

* We will also look at how the Nazis effectively use racism to manipulate the public to go after certain segments of their population including political enemies and the Jews and the parallels to today’s left and right media.

* Obama signed into law NDAA 2013 which legalizes propaganda and lies against the American people overturning a previously existing law prohibiting it.

* We will provide evidence that Obama’s wars were planned 10 years ago, and he is just there to sell them.

* We will catch FOX, CNN, and MSNBC using actors and editing videos to change the story in favor of war and to demonize any potential third party and the role of Hollywood “leaked sex videos” in propaganda.

* How President Obama and the media is deceptively pushing for war with Iran, just like the republicans. How The Media and Government Manufacture Events For War – Continue reading . . . (pdf file)

SF Source  July 2015

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