Micah Zenko ~ Americans Are As Likely To Be Killed By Their Own Furniture As By Terrorism

The Atlantic | Reader Supported News | June 8 2012

Counter-terrorismToday, the National Counter Terrorism Center (NCTC) released its 2011 Report on Terrorism. The report offers the U.S. government’s best statistical analysis of terrorism trends through its Worldwide Incidents Tracking System (WITS), which compiles and vets open-source information about terrorism–defined by U.S. law as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.”

Although I invite you to read the entire thirty-one page report, there are a few points worth highlighting that notably contrast with the conventional narrative of the terrorist threat:

  • “The total number of worldwide attacks in 2011, however, dropped by almost 12 percent from 2010 and nearly 29 percent from 2007.” (9)
  • “Attacks by AQ and its affiliates increased by 8 percent from 2010 to 2011. A significant increase in attacks by al-Shabaab, from 401 in 2010 to 544 in 2011, offset a sharp decline in attacks by al-Qa’ida in Iraq (AQI) and a smaller decline in attacks by al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).” (11)
  • “In cases where the religious affiliation of terrorism casualties could be determined, Muslims suffered between 82 and 97 percent of terrorism-related fatalities over the past five years.” (14)
  • Of 978 terrorism-related kidnapping last year, only three hostages were private U.S. citizens, or .003 percent. A private citizen is defined as ‘any U.S. citizen not acting in an official capacity on behalf of the U.S. government.’ (13, 17)
  • Of the 13,288 people killed by terrorist attacks last year, seventeen were private U.S. citizens, or .001 percent. (17)

According to the report, the number of U.S. citizens who died in terrorist attacks increased by two between 2010 and 2011; overall, a comparable number of Americans are crushed to death by their televisions or furniture each year. This is not to diminish the real–albeit shrinking–threat of terrorism, or to minimize the loss and suffering of the 13,000 killed and over 45,000 injured around the world. For Americans, however, it should emphasize that an irrational fear of terrorism is both unwarranted and a poor basis for public policy decisions.

9 thoughts on “Micah Zenko ~ Americans Are As Likely To Be Killed By Their Own Furniture As By Terrorism

  1. Gillian
    Please forgive my deepest shock and horror over what you had told me. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe, as much as I felt angry that we were duped again.
    I hold fast truth and thought that if you had something I could read to appease what I was hoping wasn’t truth, I could see for myself. Thank you for enlightening me. I just lost more respect and trust for this country.
    Thanks for being a good friend

    1. Thanks, Yisraela. It is always a shock when we discover how duplicitous and DARK the energies ruling this planet truly are. I regret the link was in the German language (with subtitles) but I also believe that it is good to discover this from outside sources who do not have any reason to lie about their discoveries.

      There are many, many researchers who have looked into this and are convinced 911 was a FALSE FLAG designed to create the police state we now inhabit in these united States. Blessings to you, dear one. ~G

  2. I had never heard that before. Why would anyone create that kind of confusion, death, pain and destruction? For what? Who was responsible then? Do you have something that I can read to show me what I need answers too?
    This is distressing.
    It isn’t that I don’t want to believe you. I don’t want to believe the tragedy of that event either. But something happened and now I don’t know what.
    If what you say is true, and there is some logic to it, then what is the hypothesis.
    Truth is a stronghold for me
    Thanks Gillian

    1. Here is a fairly innocuous presentation of the questionable events surrounding the 911 False Flag.


      Suffice to say 911 was a manipulated event designed to trigger everything we’ve witnessed subsequent to the Towers being blown to smithereens – the NDAA and that noxious blight (TSA) are simply the latest in a long line of usurpations of the US Constitution & Bill of Rights that Americans have had to endure.

      Blessings, Gillian

  3. Although this statistics may be true, honestly I think about the number of people killed in terrorist activity. I think that sometimes these ” attacks are to test our response time, our attitude our recourse.” I find silence from them as disturbing as their overt behavior. I have no doubt that terrorism is only heating up and they are becoming more wise from their trial runs. There are increasinly more people who have nothing to lose even right here in good ole america. And with the state of world health, it is likely there will be civil wars and increased terrorism. Scares me but I feel the undercurrent of anger dissent all trying to be disguised as just another day.

    1. Terrorism is a creation of the Matrix. I refuse to buy into it. There is absolutely nothing to fear when one lives in the everlasting arms of the Loving OmniPresence. Blessings, ~G

      1. 9/11 was a false flag operation. Proof? Building 7. No airplane subterfuge – just a building falling in on its footprint. No airplane can demolish a building with steel supports. Airplane fuel burns at 1,400 degrees, steel at 2800 degrees. What happened on 911 was physically IMPOSSIBLE!

    2. Hi Gillian
      To me Sept 11th when our twin towers were destroyed and thousands of lives were taken, was an act of cowardice by terroists.
      When I speak of that I am speaking generally beyond myself. I personally don’t fear those things. I, as you, feel that My Creator and God will protect me. But not everyone feels that way. I know that no matter what, I will be in Good hands. But many don’t feel that way.

  4. I always thought that if Rand Paul was successful in getting rid of TSA and went with privately contracted airport screening, that some cabal minion somewhere would stage a false flag terrorist attack to show that Rand Paul was wrong in getting rid of the TSA. Too much money on the line.

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