Millennials experienced ‘a Vietnam War’ CV-19 Death Count in 2021

vaccine deathsArt Moore – CDC data shows the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths in that age group in the second half of 2021, according to an analysis by a former Wall Street executive who made a career of crunching numbers to make big-dollar investment decisions.

Edward Dowd, who was a portfolio manager for the multinational investment firm BlackRock, posted the results of an analysis he did with an insurance industry expert on the social media platform Gettr.

In an interview Thursday with Steve Bannon on “War Room,” he said that what they found was “shocking.”

The Millennials, about ages 25 to 40, experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality in the fall, he said, describing it as the “worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.”

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It was the highest increase in excess deaths of any age group last year, seven times higher than the Silent Generation, those who are older than 85.

And the increase coincided with the vaccine mandates and the approval of the booster shots.

“Basically, Millennials experienced a Vietnam War in the second half of 2021,” Dowd said, noting 58,000 people died in the conflict.

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He said the insurance expert with whom he worked is presenting the data to a financial group and will eventually reveal his identity. And a senior chief risk officer also has reached out to him, which he described as just the beginning.

“If you’re on Wall Street and you still think Pfizer and Moderna are good buys, I’ve got news for you: There’s some catalysts coming that are probably not going to be good for holding those stocks,” he said.

Dowd said he also had examined the Pfizer clinical trial data provided by whistleblower Brook Jackson, concluding it, and the fact that Pfizer has tried to hide it, point to “clinical fraud.”

He also posted tables on Gettr showing excess mortality for Gen X — about age 41 to 56 — since August 2021 was 101,000. The Baby Boomers saw 306,000 excess deaths during the same period, which Dowd described as a “World War II” event.

See Dowd’s interview with “War Room”:

SF Source WND Mar 2022

One thought on “Millennials experienced ‘a Vietnam War’ CV-19 Death Count in 2021

  1. Horrific at a glance, Mr. Moore, beginning with the FDA (with replies) as a now senior lay victim, investigator and discoverer of some aspects of my own chronic mild (potentially disabling and deadly) illness of forty-one years and counting I’ve been writing of excess deaths due to allergies (THE PULSE TEST, Arthur F. Coca, 1956) not yet recognized and/or researched by mainstream medicine and FDA approved food poisoning (namely common allergen, phytoestrogen rich, soy mostly processed more cheaply with toxic hexane with some residue since the early 1970s, with the US female breast cancer epidemic presenting by 1979 [ACS and NCI data] and added ‘cultured’ MSG since 1980, with the US obesity/diabetes, minimally, epidemic presenting by 1990 [CDC/NCHS data]) since October of 2005.

    As something of a documented ‘worse’ but not ‘worst’ case scenario of Dr. Coca’s (my) kind of chronic subclinical non-IgE-mediated food and food additive allergies who’s still only relatively healthy but again free of any prescription drugs, at age seventy-eight, I know based on personal symptoms, online medical articles and official statistics that most of the deaths attributed to Covid-19 were actually due to preexisting conditions, additionally aggravated with medical errors (announced by Johns Hopkins researchers in May of 2016 to be the third leading cause of death in the US, behind only heart disease and cancer, both of which can present in conjunction with undiagnosed allergies aggravated, or not, with FDA approved food poisoning).

    As complicated as human metabolism can be at the cellular to molecular levels, I’ve now posted an approximate lay etiology and pathology on my infant new video channel (deleted an old YouTube channel for Covid-19 censorship reasons; which you may want to share with your less well informed sources. What I’ve previously written to insurance companies went unanswered while roughly half of all reported deaths due to all causes are premature, another 4,000 or so today, perhaps thirty million unsuspecting Americans just since 1980, an ongoing ‘silent American genocide’ which makes all other US crime pale in comparison.

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