New Knowledge About Static Electricity  (Thanks, Miroslav)

Electric charge

Movements of static charge between materials takes place spontaneously, in all cases, the charges equalize or the material with the greater charge gives charge to the less charged material. This sometimes occurs as an immediate discharge and sometimes it’s very slow, but in all cases this goes on until the settlement of the value of their energy potentials. The human body and basically every living substance has charge. Each cell is from a physical point of view also a bearer of electric charge. Therefore, in some cases the energy in our bodies goes away spontaneously, in other cases, it is obtained spontaneously. How this happens during various different circumstances is mentioned at

It follows that we live in an environment where this little known factor – the static charge – can be harmful in excess, while in other cases, it may be beneficial to our health. The electrons from the external world can subtly manipulate the processes going on in our body. In case of an absence
or on the other hand an excess it may interfere with body immunity, and may also cause health complications.

Current medicine does nothing to address the value of the charge of our body. It actually does not deal with the amount of charge on our cells, of which our body is composed. Doctors remove only the consequences of a possible overvoltage or under-charge of the ideal amount of our physical
charge; the causes of the disease whose nature is often in the outer harmful energy effects, are not dealt with.

Medicine, as a discipline, is not the only science that does not deal with the negative effects of static electricity on the cell membranes of humans. In other fields, such as architecture, the environment, chemistry, physics and other fields, the static charge changes the properties of the matter.

It is remarkable that the ancient cultures already knew about the effect of static charge on human health. Archeologists have shown that hundreds of thousands of pieces often made of a hundred ton massive rock, were deployed across the country. Occasionally someone would move a small rock for a short distance by the use of towing ropes and announces that rocks of great weight were transported in the same way. This however does not sound plausible.

Scientists have dealt with this issue in the course of history without success and the colossal work of our ancestors ended up in mysteries.

If we would like to solve that megalithic “Gordian knot”, we first need to postpone the widely known “textbook knowledge” and go back to prehistoric times and responsibly look at the mystery of megaliths, which may hide some help in the same way as monastic libraries do. It can not be overlooked that the sacred buildings of all kinds were located in the vicinity of watercourses, the zones of natural sources of static electricity. The matter of these structures accumulates static charge, which is then spontaneously transformed into organisms of worshipping believers. This process was magnified by burning candles.

This used to be used centuries ago but the laws of physics haven’t changed since. This energy transformation process in the bodies of visitors is identical in the church buildings of stone masonry of all kinds at present as well. Energy gain is perceived as pleasant feeling. Conversely, a close contact with a person that is energetically weak can feel uncomfortable. The friction between two objects with different dielectric constant creates a static charge and this is a physical fact that has been known for centuries. In the last century, the fact that water flows
generate static electricity was, perhaps intentionally, neglected.

Sacral structures accumulate static charge in their mass – energy that is produced by mutual friction of two diverse non-conductive or poorly conductive materials – running water, shorelines and bottom of the watercourse. The first material are the water molecules, the second material is a rock through which the water flows.

If we can not understand everything on earth without justification and put it rather off into the realm of miracles, see e.g. water, rock, Lourdes, it would be broadly beneficial, if we focus more intensely on the research of the often neglected natural force – static charge (electricity), and its properties that are still unknown.

The Nile Cross



Anyone who is even marginally acquainted with the pictorial history of ancient Egypt saw the frequently on papyrus displayed figure of Pharaoh, who holds in his hands “something” of metal that resembles a Christian cross. The cross is like a Christian cross but at first sight is very different. The cross was held at peak by a Pharaoh at an oval thread, through which the fingers of Pharaoh went.

Many theories tried to explain the Nile cross (Ankh), the most famous symbol of ancient Egypt. Some appear to be at first glance amusing; others are a bit more credible. But the reality is that the secret of the Cross “thread” has not been explained.

It often happens that under the guise of searching for remote unknown facts people overlook some basic concepts that are at their fingertips. The desire to detect complex mystic solutions guided many scholars of simple paths while they were tying to solve something almost impossible. In the case, we need to remember the most basic physical principles and laws.

By doing repeated attempts I verified and proved subsequently the fact that prepared the Nile cross off his millennial secrets. I realized soon any “live” blood in the vessels is the same as a conductor and forms something like a primary thread on the Ankh cross, electrically conductive, while the skin and blood vessel walls are insulators, a kind of insulation around the wire (vessels). The total length of blood vessels in the body of the average man reaches an impressive 96 million meters and therefore Pharaoh’s fingers around the thread produced by vascular a secondary coil is several kilometers long, along with a threaded tip, created from the perspective of Electro physics kind of transformer, which points out from the body of Pharaoh into space. The tip of the transformer can be described by the known physical law defining the essence of the phenomenon of “suction tip” energy from the surrounding area to either acquire and transform into the body of Pharaoh or out of the body of Pharaoh -this simple device is capable of reducing an excess of energy in Pharaoh’s body and therefore emit this harmful energy in the opposite direction into space.

People who can acquire more energy can easily send it through the Nile Cross to pass on to another person, animal, plants, or any weaker charges.

Ancient Egyptian Ankh Cross is also able to function in other circumstances. A remarkable phenomenon is recorded at , Article 3 – Diagrams, No.3, Iron and stone – rock acquired static charge from a metal and the metal’s power have not diminished. For ease of explanation I can recommend to familiarize yourself with the content of the Article called Diagrams, where detailed movements of static electricity are described.

The Nile Cross is a sort of a transformation antenna that is able to mediate transport of static charge and is completely indifferent in relation to the composition of homogeneous or heterogeneous materials. The picture depicts the movement of static charge through the Nile Cross from metal to rock, which is in the shape of a sphere. In this case, I could still prove interesting that, although the sphere has the smallest surface in relation to its volume, the shape of balls absorbs more energy than other forms of the same volume and weight.

The possibility of energy transfer to the body, and vice versa, can be described as a basic knowledge. Whether the level of energy for our bodies is optimal, insufficient or excessive remains unanswered. Certainly it’s not a direct proportionality – the more, the better. Excessive intake of energy can cause negative health effects, which are mentioned on the website. Suppose that the value of optimal amount of physical energy would result from the knowledge of other yet unknown properties of static charge. A theory can not exclude the possibility that no ideal level of electric charge in our bodies exists. It is possible that our organisms together with their physical hub by using the Nile Cross in hand only adjusts the size of the charge to that of the country below. Our entire planet does have a negative charge, but on certain sections that are not far apart the magnitude of this “negative charge” is significantly different. It is therefore possible that a physical hub (the Nile Cross) causes something similar to that when the pressure is balanced inside the body of a sinking diver. The Nile cross in the hand of a Pharaoh, therefore, may only be disposing the physical energy disproportion with the environment and harmonize the status and size of the body charge of Pharaoh and the surrounding country, from which all the civilized people are stripped by their shoes, which, unlike bare feet, will not let even a very low voltage transients, and hence equalize the energy states between the body and the ground below.

If any reader – like me – plans to experiment with the size of the charge on himself, I strongly advise that should any health anomalies occur (such as back pain, hand tremors, impaired vision, unsteadiness, etc.) that they immediately interrupt their experiments.

Miroslav Provod

3 thoughts on “New Knowledge About Static Electricity

  1. This is the oddest thing. I was thinking about static electricity deeply the other day. We seem to have more than usual lately and had the thought that it is more than we think it is. Thank you for this wonderful validation. Man…..we are remembering so much! lol

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