Monthly Astro-Forecasts January 2023

Monthly Astro-Forecasts January 2023Sarah-Jane Grace – January looks set to be a month to re-focus and re-align our hearts and souls as we connect to a growing sense of awareness on all levels of our being. After a chaotic and rambunctious 2022, it’s almost hard to believe we have entered a new year, and January may feel very quiet and reflective, but this is a quiet to be savoured and celebrated as we can each make the most of this opportunity to naturally come back to centre.

Although we intuitively accept the need for the chaos as a part of the process of change and evolution, it is hard to ignore the somewhat frenetic and confusing turmoil around us.

It’s as though our eyes and hearts have been prised fully open which means we are each feeling and sensing so much more than we ever imagined possible. This can be overwhelming due to the tsunami of thoughts, emotions and energies swirling around, some of them are very intense and profound, but when we pause and breathe, we find our centers once again and the storms seem to abate.

When we acknowledge that nothing feels the same as it once did, this can also help each of us to center as we begin to realize just how much we need to go with the flow. It’s when we try to resist or fight the inevitability of the shifting currents that we can feel disconnected and exhausted.

This isn’t about giving up or giving in, nor is it about letting go of injustice or inequality, it’s simply a willingness to stop trying to carry all of this within. It’s time to travel more lightly in order to let more light in. The lighter we become, the more able we are to take a more balanced approach to life.

Whether we like it or not, the path of evolution continues in earnest; this is not a process we can stop. It’s like the night turning into the dawn or the shift of the tectonic plates, it’s a force that continues whether we are willing participants or not. The more willing we become to acknowledge our evolution, the more we connect to the bigger picture and the less isolated we feel. Although we may be physically alone, spiritually, and energetically there are always others walking by our sides.

This is a time to open up to the beauty and strength within in order to re-shape and re-define the very essence of life itself, to re-discover the spirit of humanity and to seek out new ways to live our best lives.

January looks set to be a rare opportunity to declare a new intent, to stand firm in stormy seas and to speak truth. We have all spent a great deal of time trying to get life right and trying to be everything to those around us, judging ourselves for not doing enough or being enough. We would never allow someone to speak to us so harshly, but we feel it’s ok if our inner dialogue is unforgiving and unsympathetic. It’s not!

It’s time to embrace the true spirit of self-compassion and self-love, and both of these will shape our goals, dreams and hopes. This is more of a New Year Revolution rather than a resolution, as it’s time to up-end the rulebook and find compassion and love wherever we can.

So, we each need to find some time over the weeks ahead to go within in order to re-connect to the things that makes our hearts sing. This is unique for each soul but there is a common over-arching theme: compassion. It’s time to let go of judgement, self-criticism, and disconnection, and acknowledgement that we each form a vital part of the jigsaw puzzle of life. We each have roles to play and it cannot be complete without us.

It’s time to step forward with love in our hearts and to know it’s ok to seek out respite from the storms of life. At the same time, we need to let go of living conditionally and open up to self-compassion. Life isn’t about trying to ‘fix’ ourselves, it’s about living and being alive.

We each need to find joy in the now, to live life wholeheartedly and to measure our happiness by all that we are, not by all that we’re not. It’s time to cultivate joy and happiness, to seek these out and create space in our lives for them to flourish and thrive. The more we can love and respect ourselves, the brighter our light becomes and the more this radiates into the world. The sooner we can let go of judgement and criticism (mostly of ourselves), the more we are set free.

The world may feel polarized, and we may feel disjointed, but the more we go within to find our centers, the less disconnected we feel and the more we are able to calm the stormy seas. It’s important to find the time to switch off, to reach for the off button on the constant ‘noise’ of life – phones, tv, chatter, busy-ness. It’s time to know it’s ok to sit and listen to the bird in song, or to watch the waves. without needing to check our emails or catch up on social media. It’s time to focus on what’s truly important in life.

Just remember that we are all in this together, so it’s important to focus on the aspects of life that unite us rather than on those things that divide us. As we each continue on our journey of evolution, the more deeply we can breathe into life, the more our souls expand with love and tenderness. There is nothing to do here, this is a state of being, a state of knowing that we are intuitively aware of in every single cell…

For now, and as always, I wish you all kinds of wonderful.

With love, Sarah-Jane

SF Source Spirit Library Jan 2023

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