Watch The Left Hand: Fukushima May Be The Right

GeoengineeringWatch  December 30 2013

Something is far beyond contaminated and glow-fishy about the Fukushima meltdown. For two years it has been discussed and swarming with expertise, but with no limiting or actual efforts to stop the radiological contaminants from being released into the Pacific and all other connected oceans, the largest food and oxygen sources on the planet. Yet, surfers are surfing, swimmers are swimming, children are playing on beaches, and restaurants all over the earth are eating Pacific fish and also contaminated Atlantic fish according to multiple reports.

Also never actually disclosed or addressed is that perhaps as many as 1500 nukes have been tested in the world’s oceans, which also might have produced “contamination” since nuclear pollution doesn’t ever really go away. So, at this juncture I ask myself, where is the left hand and what might it be doing?

Politics, as we know, has new meaning in the global world of corporate-political elites. Their political intentions were always based in deceptions from the earliest planning stages to today, for one hundred if not two hundred years. The UN Agenda 21 blueprint has never been fully disclosed in truth or in the open. The 47 U.S. Biosphere Reserves are still completely under the veil for 90% of American people who have still never heard of them; same with the World Heritage Sites, and they are totally in the dark regarding the 620+ global reserves.

Stratospheric Aerial Geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management (chemtrailing) are only just now kind of/sort of acknowledged as “possibly” damaging the planet for 35 years or more as well as the super-secret global HAARP facilities, which happen to super-heat the atmosphere, while aerial spraying traps the “warming” on the ground beneath the artificial, metallized, and very noxious and debilitating clouds and haze that laid across the skies, globally.

And suddenly, we have another global crisis, publicized, with people sick, dying badly, and with sea life really, really sick and dying, and with worsening news and contamination pouring into the Pacific every day. Instead, a handful of “experts” are studying, having meetings and press conferences, pondering, coordinating thoughts and ideas, kicking the dirt, etc., etc.

What we are witnessing is political theater. The problem is we, too, are getting sicker and sicker. Fukushima is, after all, not just an oceanic problem. Radioactive ocean water evaporates and rains down…on everything…over the entire planet, and it just so happens that the nano-particulates of aluminum, barium, strontium and other concoctions sprayed from jets and commercial planes, globally, also rain down, blow in the wind…nano-sized mind you…which means their ingredients are wholly and completely unavoidable. Even your N95 masks, coats, gloves, hats and safety glasses cannot protect you, and these nano-particles are in your homes, your cars, all over your children, stores, pets, possessions, lawns, trees, forests, in all watershed systems, and all over the nation and world’s crop fields (think Monsanto “aluminum resistant” seeds). Consider well the over 1400 global seed vaults.

I fear we are experiencing a double-whammy. I am also thinking that a “global” crisis or crises are forthcoming, which will put “global” power centers front and center and in full-force all over the entire world. I equally think that global health may be collapsing as we speak, as global nature is demonstrating. Billions of fish and sea creatures dying, billions of birds, hundreds of trillions of insects and amphibians, and even large sea and forest mammals, far larger than human beings, are dying all around the world…and badly. Hundreds of millions of forested acres are burning, annually and globally, while global aquifers are being privatized and locked down from most of humanity.

Depopulation was always part and parcel of the original plan by globalism’s authors, and certainly a mass die-off of humanity cannot appear as genocide or democide in a mass-media whistleblowing world, not when the orchestrators are so terribly few, but a left-right punch from global catastrophic “events”, especially ones we choose to ignore with our best ignorance, could be our undoing.

When we choose to ignore Fukushima and allow governments to ignore mass-extinction “events”, and when we steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that we are sprayed like insects for 35+ years, seeing it above our heads for days and weeks on end, because we “don’t want to think about it,” well…maybe we prove what elites have always believed, that we are “useless”, “ignorant”, “costly”, and “too common” for their many bottom lines.

As history has demonstrated century after century after century, when there are too many poor people, human culling occurs, which means they are murdered. I fear history, once again, is upon us. When whales, dolphins, deer and trillions of other animals and mammals and plants are biting the dust and all at the same time, we’re next…especially because we eat these plants and animals, actually resulting in a third-whammy to humankind. Truth is, folks, we are being in-toxic-acted from every direction humanly possible. What is happening to the world is not an accident. We are getting hit from all angles.

8 thoughts on “Watch The Left Hand: Fukushima May Be The Right

  1. I understand the frustration of so many with a lack of obvious solutions and an overabundance of warnings. I also am frustrated, but by the lack of ANY interest or even NOTICE of the fact that our world as we have known it is being put down like a wounded animal! How are we going to seriously apply some of these solutions whey so many people are ignoring the skull-and-crossed-bones floating in the skies all over this land?! First people must wake up; THEN there can be action. Sing it loud and proud Nancy! I’m listening.

    1. Waiting for anyone to wake up is joining those who are asleep. Find something positive and do it, if it is only to bring joy to the next person you cross paths with. Be the change you want the world to be and you will bring others along. This is a created reality and you must start creating now.
      Complain, fight, demonstrate against that which you do not want and you feed what you do not want. Turn your back and, yes shine the light on what you don’t want, then use the awareness to inspire more and more positive.

  2. The possibility exists (as all do..?) that this perverse and sociopathic attack on human life may trigger perceptual skills in the human body and mind, an outrageous but still worth-considering development.
    I have been excluded by many for my alarm, yet I swear I am experiencing telepathy like never before.

  3. If you have no constructive solutions then keep all the bad news to yourself. we must NOW focus on our highest selves and what we can do with it!!!!!!

    1. Hello Ben, Nancy Levant is equally entitled to her opinion concerning what is or is not relevant as are you. Blessings, G

      1. Yes sure. We all have the right to say much. It is time for us to move into talking about and creating all that is positive. The recognition of all of the negative action must be to inspire movement toward the positive and opening of our hearts toward finding and creating positive things. W/o this ad on it is empty bitching.

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