NDE- Atheist Doctor Crosses Over

The Other Side NDE –  Dr. Joyce Hawkes is a Ph.D. biophysicist and cell biologist honored with a national achievement award and elected to the position of fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science, but on one fateful day tragedy struck and an accident took Dr. Joyce to death’s door. This is the story of her near-death experience.


SF Source The Other Side NDE Jul 2022

One thought on “NDE- Atheist Doctor Crosses Over

  1. The more scientists learn, the more they understand they know far less than they thought they know. Knowledge is as infinite as the universe.
    To think our existence in this universe is a fluke of nature, is either beyond ignorant, or a denial of God and a Creator.
    There are growing numbers of scientists, doctors and people in general who have experienced the phenomena. The common outcome is that it changed their beliefs, and their entire lives, in a very positive manner.
    Many of those people now make it a part of their lives to inform others.

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