Nevada County Quietly Deletes 83% of Voters from Its 2020 Voter Rolls

electionAmerican Liberty Report – A partial audit report for Maricopa County, Arizona has been handed over to the AZ state senate. They’re supposed to be receiving the full report within the next week. Expect an earth-shattering kaboom. Or a big false flag mass casualty event caused by the Biden regime to knock the audit results out of the headlines.

The funny thing about America today is that we have so many people around the country who are busy little bees who keep chugging away with publicly available data – and keep finding more and more “anomalies” from the 2020 election. Here’s a big one that a guy just uncovered in a county in Nevada.

A researcher named Cardiff Gerhardt dug through the voter rolls for Douglas County, Nevada. He used direct data from the Nevada Secretary of State’s website. Gerhardt discovered that in one voting district in Douglas County, there were 14,701 people who voted in the 2020 election. But today, there are suddenly only 2,477 voters living in that same district. It appears that the Nevada Secretary of State removed 12,224 people from the voter rolls sometime after the 2020 election.

Where’d all those people go? They voted in 2020. Or I should say: Their votes were counted in 2020.

Douglas County is a very pretty area. It’s on the Nevada-California border, right on the eastern shores of Lake Tahoe. So, it would seem very odd for 83.2% of the voting aged population to just suddenly move out of the area all at once, following the 2020 election. Douglas County is nothing like Afghanistan or Honduras. Why the sudden mass exodus?

Oh my gosh! Did they all die? Should we send a big sympathy card to the Douglas County survivors? I’ll bet it was COVID, huh?

The most likely answer, of course, is that massive voter fraud took place in that district in 2020, and the Secretary of State’s office is now “allegedly” covering their tracks. It looks like they pulled a State Farm Arena magic suitcase ballots stunt in Douglas County. Someone rammed the same batches of ballots – weighted heavily for Joe Biden – through the counting machines an extra 10 or 15 times when no one was looking.

Donald Trump won Douglas County handily over Joe Biden in the 2020 election – but “lost” the state of Nevada by roughly 30,000 votes. If Democrat precincts across the state of Nevada were fudging the numbers just a little bit in each one, it’s not hard to see how they could come up with the votes to erase Trump’s margin of victory just enough to pull it off.

Residents in Douglas County, Nevada are furious because this information has spread like wildfire locally. They want to recall some corrupt county officials there – but get this: In order to recall County officials, they need a petition that’s been signed by at least 25% of the people who voted in the most recent election. And Douglas County now only has 16.8% of the voters from the last election who still exist. It’s mathematically impossible for the citizens there to initiate a recall, after the Secretary of State purged 83.2% of the voters from the rolls!

Nevada was one of the states that stopped counting its votes at the exact same time as Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and others on election night. They sent the poll watchers home and claimed there wouldn’t be any more counting until the next day. And then Joe Biden ended up pulling off a statistically impossible “win” a few days later.

Remember, just two weeks ago a voter integrity group discovered that Nevada had more votes cast than actual registered voters in 15 of the state’s 17 counties. They found 15 counties where there were more ballots counted than the number of people who voted. That accounted for a vote discrepancy of 9,000 votes on election night – about one-third of Joe Biden’s fake margin of “victory.” With these 12,000 people disappearing off the Douglas County voter rolls after the election, that brings the total to 21,000 fishy votes in Nevada.

And these discrepancies were found by individuals and groups that are only looking at official numbers on the Nevada Secretary of State’s website! Imagine what they’d find if there is a real audit conducted in Nevada.

Which do you think sounds like the more likely scenario? Did 82% of the voters in Douglas County, Nevada die or move away from the area in the past nine months? Or did massive voter fraud take place on election night?

SF Source American Liberty Report Aug 2021

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