Contracts of the Heart

new cycleSteve RotherGreetings. I am the Keeper of Time. I have come in this day to help you mark your time. As I have mentioned many times, time is circular in motion. From your perspective, it moves as a line which is why you call it linear time. Human perception can only focus on one item at a time.  Therefore you see past, present and future in a straight line with future becoming the present and the present becoming the past.

You see yourself moving down a line of time but in reality, it is much more like a spiral. That spiral of time gives you the opportunity to create the highest experience in each moment as you move through the spiral. That repeating motion is broken into cycles. If you are able to create the highest harmony in an experience when it returns on the next cycle you move through it effortlessly.  If it was unfinished, you will have the chance to harmonize it again through different circumstances as the spiral cycles again.  These cycles return in a variety of times, some taking days, others taking many years.

That is the beauty of the human illusion of time. Humans repeat emotional cycles over and again, usually in multiples of seven. This is done to allow for harmonizing between the head and the heart, or as we would say spirit and the human. When that is harmonized you then move to a new cycle and a new experience. That is the game you are playing on planet Earth.

You are playing the game of pretending to be a human and hide your perfection in order to play that game on a planet of imperfection. You have hidden it in many dimensions of time and space but today, we tell you, you are completing a large time cycle in the collective of humanity. That is why very soon this whole energy will start to change again. You will find a new base of energy which you can start building anew.

A New Cycle is Beginning

Over the next several months, you will start to see what you call natural disasters, road blocks and changes in the game that will make you reevaluate your path. In these changes new opportunities will arise very quickly because you are in the spiral of circular time. In reality, you create the illusion yourself with your own torus around your being, again in multiples of seven. That is how humans ingest time-space.

You look out upon yourself and your surroundings, looking for signals from Home. You look for things that are familiar to you in some way and rarely is it found where you expect it to be. You see what you expect to see rather than what is actually there. Confusion is made worse since you are conscious creators and often end up creating what you want to see rather than harmonize what is before you in that moment. No one said it was easy, .

What we are telling you that even though we have given what you may consider to be bad news, we tell you, wait until you see what is coming. You are starting to step into a whole new cycle of time and that is incredibly exciting. In reality, you are starting to return to a whole level of reality and a whole level where a multidimensional experience can harmonize together as one. This will be a profound shift in the human experience and the path of evolution.

Keep in mind that although this new cycle will bring a heightened state of existence, letting go of the old state will be difficult for many. For that reason, many transition experts have incarnated on Earth at this very moment and many of them are reading this message right now.

An Elevated look at Imperfections

In preparation for the new cycle we will be giving you the tools needed for this shift. These will give you the opportunity to see yourselves as empowered beings of light. Yes, it is difficult because your reality does not reflect that.

Your reality reflects your limitations and your imperfections. It is your judgment of those imperfections that we would like to start working on this day. Truly, your imperfections are at the base of what you perceive as beauty. Oh yes, we know, it is very difficult for you to see that. Lightworkers often look at the norms of the collective and often see themselves as different.

Yes, you are different and that difference it at the base of your unique beauty. Human evolution is attained when the head and the heart are harmonized.  Once that is done, to change oneself to be like everyone else is actually a step backwards.  As a transition expert of Earth, at this time, your unique beauty is needed. An interesting note is that once a human takes pride in their uniqueness they often become beautiful to others.

On this next cycle, when you are fully grounded in a new timeline, you will start to see much more diversity in the human experience. That will widen the collective definition of beauty. It is your memories of Home that you are trying to recreate on your planet. Even when humans see something nearly perfect, it does not register. It is not as beautiful as something slightly imperfect. Elrah is part of the group and he works with rhythms.

Rhythms are beautiful because humans replicate rhythms through speaking, through walking, through actions of all sorts and even thinking is done in a rhythm. These rhythms also are repeated in the spiral of time. If you look only to music and the rhythms used to create music you will see this point.  Recent advances in technologies allow for the creation of a near perfect beat contained in some electronic music.  We tell you that musicians of such music are now becoming aware that even slight variations of the perfect beat are much more appealing to the human ear.

Humans find things that seem to be perfectly symmetrical are not grabbing their attention as far as beauty is concerned. Examining a human face closely one will see that none are perfectly symmetrical. Find the most beautiful face to your liking and examine it closely.  Soon you will see what we call the perfect imperfection of light.

Challenge yourself to exude the beauty that you create, rather than to reflect the beauty that you see around you. Start redefining your own ideas of beauty and where you are right now. Wait until you see what is coming. We know you are getting tired of hearing that, but we cannot tell you enough. This is a move forward, not a move backward. Strive to be the perfect imperfection of Light.

The Earth is Re-balancing

Yes, the Earth herself is feeling the strain of having humans on it for humans have left an indelible mark on the Earth.  Up to this point the collective has largely worked to find harmony with themselves instead of harmonizing with the mother. As such, the Earth is roughly 1,000 years ahead of schedule on her next transition.  Due to recent events many are starting to awaken to the importance of harmonizing the actions of society with the environment of the Earth.

Even though a new cycle is beginning please keep in mind that all things repeat in circular time. Thus, it is now more important than ever to harmonize the actions of the collective of humanity with the Earth. Now is the time to harmonize with Earth and perfect that relationship so that it does not need to repeat in the next cycle.

Even though we say the Earth has now crossed a line of no return that means that it is critical to perfect that relationship so that it is not carried forward in the spiral of circular time.  The next four years are critical to this turn and right now humanity is making great strides in that direction. This will make it easier for everyone to transition smoothly and comfortably.

The current conditions of Earth will create many challenges. Hurricanes, super storms, earthquakes and volcanoes are all on the rise in the years ahead. They are going to continue for a while because they are part of the balancing of the redistribution of water on your planet that is necessary for the Earth to find a new balance. You can be more profound in this change than you can understand.

Awareness of the Earth must come to the forefront of human thought at this time. One of the most effective ways is by admiring the beauty of what is all around you on Earth. You can travel to wonderful spots where you cannot hide from the beauty. You can also step out in your own back yard and find incredible beauty if you only look at it. You will always find that it is imperfect, for you are playing the game of pretending to be imperfect yourself.

Soon we will start telling more of the stories of Amor, to start grasping some of the basis of what happened during a beautiful time of Lemuria. This was also a time when humanity witnessed a new cycle of the Earth and now you are all dealing with a very similar situation. .These stories tell how you walked through it together and ascended into the light. In truth, those beings, those parts of you, are waiting for you now. Do not lose sight of that for in every moment that you can see beauty; you imprint circular time, creating it in your future.

5th Dimensional Reality

The other piece that we ask you all to grasp is that you are clearly now in a 5th dimensional reality.  Yes, if one looks at the news it could be said that humanity is taking steps backwards in evolution.  You are still in a collective state of separation rather than unity.  Yet, we tell you that this is a natural reaction to fear and can also be considered to be the farthest reach of the pendulum of human advancement. Sometimes it takes steps backwards to refocus on what is important.

Do not fear.  Remember that the transition experts are in place already and are awakening from the dream to take their power. Use what you have this moment. Yes, there is much coming, but do not wait. Step forward to find everything that you can about the human experience that you are currently in. You are even going to re-member the pain of change as a beautiful human experience. Step forward and find those little pieces first. Take the small steps that lead into the big ones and watch as the beauty gathers around each of you.

It is with the greatest honor that I greet you in these ways. I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity and play this new game well together.

Espavo. I am the Keeper of Time.


SF Source Beacons of Light Sep 2017

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