New Moon In Aries: Deep Processing And Liberation

new moonSimon & Jennifer Vorster – This New moon cycle is an incredibly powerful one. Have you felt it? There are very deep transformative forces at work here which are uprooting some deeply karmic processes within each of us while we are simultaneously given a chance to heal and reclaim our authentic selves.

Just as every ending of a cycle also marks the beginning of a new one, the opposite is also true for us. As we embark into this new phase, we are finding and unveiling new ways to bring ourselves more fully to this incarnation, while also letting go of the parts of ourselves which no longer serve us. This current astrological cycle is supporting the remembrance of who we truly are, as well as recognition of what we have been through to get to this point.

We are being gifted an opportunity to experience a different kind of beauty in our lives that is aligned to who we really are beneath the layers of experiences that have shaped us, and beneath the conditions we were all born into in this world. We are coming home to ourselves, through experiencing ourselves in new ways and by being in the world in a different way than we have ever been shown. We are bringing something new to the world that resides in our inherent nature but can only be reflected back to us through the embodiment of what it is to be who we truly are.

The two video´s below offer an in depth analysis of the current energies at work in our lives and some guidance on how to move through and process our experience. This is a time for deep deep healing and liberation but it can also be a time of deep grief and pain if we do not know how to process through the material arising for us. We sincerely hope that you find support through our sharing.

Also listen to Pluto Through Capricorn

With love
Simon & Jennifer

SF Source Raising Vibrations Apr 2019

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