New Moon in Capricorn

New Moon in Capricorn is Sunday, January 2 at 11:33 AM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

new moonLena Stevens – Known as the Black Moon, this launches a new cycle for the year. If you have not already written your intentions, this is a great time to catch up with that task. This moon supports pragmatic, responsible, attainable goals. What is your ambition for 2022? What action steps can you anchor that are practical, attainable and responsible?

Remember there is a difference between intentions, goals and resolutions. The intention is the end result you wish for. The goals are the steps to get there. The resolutions are the disciplines that help you to reach your goals.
Example: If your intention is to improve your living space, the goal may be a new couch and the resolution would be to check Craigslist every day and follow up on possibilities.

Happy New Year everyone!
Blessings, The Power Path

SF Source The Power Path Jan 2022

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