The Fiscal Cliff Hoax: A Ruse To Rob Us

governmentMainstream media is having a field day with the fiscal cliff threat, with its usual flourish of fear mongering on tax matters and all things budget related.

However, the voices of reason are resonating among some who deny any real financial dangers exist since the government is hiding trillions of dollars from us in the usual esoteric way they do business.

Enter Walter Burien and the Comprehensive Annual Financial (CAFR), a second set of books hidden from the public that fully discloses the massive amounts of liquidity governments at federal, state and local levels have squirreled away and carefully not mentioned to us.

These off-budget funds are composed of profits our government has made through investing our tax dollars in large corporations. The federal government owns 70 percent, in some cases, of the global corporations who suck huge profits out of the world economy and engage other nations in conflict for nefarious reasons, such as control of key resources.

Some ten years have passed since Walter Burien, an accountant in New Jersey, stumbled upon the CAFR while looking over the Budget and Finance reports of that state.

He discovered huge discrepancies connected with the N.J. Turnpike and other cash generating state owned projects which produced revenues that were not listed in the state budget as income.

There were $188 billion in liquid funds that were never disclosed to the public. What he effectively uncovered through gaining access to the CAFR was the huge swindle government has been perpetrating on us, taking our tax dollars and investing them for profits, and keeping those profits for themselves rather than using them fairly to increase services or reduce taxes.

Through multistate research, Burien discovered $60 trillion in composite totals, held among various levels of federal, state, county and city governments through a slew of enterprise ventures and investments.

Governments aren’t engaged or interested in a free market economy, they have created a market through manipulation, during a total press blackout of their activities. The government has grown exponentially by investing our tax dollars for their own gain.

Editor’s note: Doesn’t this sound a lot like how the bailouts worked? Public losses with private gains seems to be the name of the game these days.

The only significant job growth recently has been in government, while small businesses and family enterprises that have traditionally been the engine of the economy train are bankrupted and shuttered.

The IRS added thousands of new, armed agents including its own SWAT team. Why?

Knowledgeable people, aware of this obfuscation of wealth by our government are saying no to taxes.

Considering the amount of money our government has, and the fact that our tax dollars are used to bail out foreign governments via the machinations of the Federal Reserve banking cartel rather than to correct financial problems here where they should be utilized, it’s time to take a very critical look at what a democratic system of government really does.

This system makes you and me poor while it grows fat through extortion and back-room deals. Democratic government is not what our founding fathers set up; they intended us to be a republic.

We were a republic until the central bankers, who openly brag about having conquered us, deceived us and instituted the democratic mess we’re in. Communism is the next and final step, according to history, after toppling off the financial cliff as it were.

For more information on the CAFR and the government’s set of double books, go to Tax Retirement and Walter Burien’s YouTube channel.

What’s at stake is the ownership of every single hard asset in this country. Through ruses like eminent domain and environmental protection, the Federal government could wind up owning — and selling off for huge profits — everything you and I currently own.

If you compare the first major depressions in 1929 to the present depression, you’ll notice that there are major differences in the way the government handled things.

In the first depression, they stepped in to stop the foreclosure of farms, homes and businesses, allowing families to recover and hold on.

What changed? The Federal Reserve Act was passed shortly after the great depression. In this current contrived financial collapse, banks are not only allowed to steal millions of homes they have nothing invested in, but they essentially make the rules because they run our government.

They are calling the shots now, rather than the people who are robbed of half of their income through taxes. Taxes are completely unnecessary, not to mention unconstitutional, and the “fiscal cliff” is a ruse to squeeze more out of us, until we are all homeless, starving, beaten down and totally dependent on the government.

We’ve been led to believe our taxes are needed to run the government and pay for many essential services, but under close scrutiny that lie falls apart.

Our tax dollars go directly into the pockets of the Federal Reserve system, in the form of interest. The national debt is theirs, not ours.

Claiming that Social Security is broke, counties and cities insolvent and that tax hikes will ensure the stability of government are lies told by mainstream media for the obvious motive of keeping the financial raping of Americans going in perpetuity.

When the citizens of this country find out what the Federal Reserve system — half of the two-headed monster called government — has actually done with their tax money, it’s over.

All these years we’ve been donating part of our earnings in the hopes of retiring on it, but in retrospect it all looks like a huge robbery and swindle. What else have they lied about?

It’s time to stand up and take them on, before the crooks that run the place sell us to China, sitting on trillions in secret investment profits while trying to get control over every aspect of our lives.

There is no “fiscal cliff,” only greed and corruption, if we let it continue. We need to remember our roots as the free spirited people of the Republic of the United States of America, known for bravery and opposition to tyranny.

If we don’t return to that system, reject the lie that there’s a “fiscal cliff” and demand dissolution of the corrupt democratic system, we will fall. The hard rocks await us below.

Edited by Madison Ruppert

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SF Source End The Lie  December 5 2012

13 thoughts on “The Fiscal Cliff Hoax: A Ruse To Rob Us

  1. Ha! This is just what I manifested, some thing that will finally give me the fortitude and courage to not pay any more taxes. I will print this out and if I get hauled before a judge, I’ll use it as evidence that the government owes me money, not the other way around. Excellent!

    1. Hi Raven, the entire system is built on color-of-law, the income tax itself being the most egregious example of this. These proofs – though very real – will fall on deaf ears as the minions serving the beast have all the bases covered.

      Hugs G

      1. Then we will just have to slay the beast! This country was built by courage, it’s about time we all reacquainted ourselves with it. As the SO weatherman says: Eyes open. No fear.

  2. Gillian thank you for publishing this article I’ve been following Walter for about three years and have been frustrated that this hidden massive money cache was sitting right there and nobody seemed to understand what it was and what it meant to us or even had the will to check it out! In my mind this where the real slavery is exposed and every leader in every community/county/state and federal government be tasked for hidding these accounts and that these accounts be brought out immediately and all who had or have had control of these accounts be thrown in jail or banned from any of this money as they have already partook of these already and now they need to feel what they have done to US!!

    1. You’re welcome, Bill. Some of the elected officials are truly unaware of this, having bought into the BS and lies of “officialdom.” However, those who have responsibility for these accounts DO know of their existence. But these, too, may have been lied to about their purpose and function. Thankfully, the truth is getting revealed and can only benefit us in the long run. Blessings, G

    2. Thanks, A.L. What you write is correct. However, I do change graphics when I want to. This time I decided the image was appropriate as it clearly showed what the Press has become – an organ that has prostituted its 1st Amendment constitutional requirement to corporate interests who now set the agenda – selling perspectives and misinformation designed to slant the truth to create a false reality to the detriment of creating an INFORMED public. Hugs G

  3. Another blog,; yet another (undeveloped) has the title ‘not close enough for jazz,” (kind of a WIFLI offroad, I may go back there some more).

    From the About Me, I think some similarities with Gillian, if not in life paths exactly, in a few qualities:
    Like grew up an unassuming musician and did the academic thing. I also did the family thing, and a good part of the last part of my life has been fighting against an attempt to completely shut down the music (and income). Hegelian Dialectic stuff. …. I have a daughter also innately musical, the other one more visual, they were BORN that way, and I literally watched people seeing that, and hating it (jealousy, whatever?).

    rfect Peace

    “Perfect Peace” is the debut release from songwriter Gillian Grannum. A native of Philadelphia who now resides in the Los Angeles area, Gillian has been involved with music for several years as a bassist, pianist, choir director, and songwriter. At New Covenant Church of Philadelphia, she served as assistant minister of music and director of Chosen Generation, a young adult ensemble. She has toured as bassist with New Spirit (Agape) – an all-female gospel ensemble, performing in France, Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, Belgium, and other countries. She is currently studying at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, pursuing an M.Div. in Worship, Theology and the Arts and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. She also serves as musical director at Sojourn Village in Culver City, California.
    I think musicians are going to be into spirituality, they are not separate. They also figure out systems quicker than others (and I don’t know why other than our brains seem to work that way), so it makes absolute sense to me that this goes with journalism. I have been thinking investigative journalism, next part.

    Anyhow, the “Presstitudes” image at the top (sorry) is offensive and unnecessary; I’m going to de-approve the comment (although I’m blogging Walter Burien stuff). Call it what you like, but there are other ways to make the same point.

    I also don’t think the courts or the world needs any more any more clinical psychologists to handle their clients, and in fact many people who are into cults or forms of spirituality also head into this field as well (see “MSIA” and its connections to University of Santa Monica, where one can get a degree in “Spiritual Psychology” which, if one looks at the Bible sooner or alter, is an oxymoron (See Hebrews 4:12; soul =/= spirit).

    The person who set up apartheid education in South Africa was into psychology, social sciences and education (of course), and it has to do with colonizing other people.

    But I respect the eclectic interest and am glad you (Gillian) really got to do some things with your music, it sounds like. )

    I was driven out of my field, and this writing is a poor substitute to expose that this is what the world is doing now, in the process of attempting to kill of the creativity and freedom in the “wrong” populations of humans. Meanwhile, the spiritually inclined then tend to form up in groups which are sometimes cults. Anyhow, stay centered, breathe deeply and whatever path you are on, be prepared if it has a lot more swerves up ahead; the will end up in the right place if you listen well.

    Note: I tend to pair Catherine Austin Fitts posts with Walter Burien’s. She’s from also Philadelphia I think, although looks sometimes like a modified Meryl Streep in on-line pictures. (Whatever….)

    1. Thanks for commenting, Let’s. I heard of another Gillian Grannum (no relation) from FB who lives in Philly. Perhaps it is the same individual.

      The Presstitutes glyph is graphic, no doubt about it. I find it somehow suitable for American mainstream press, as it no longer fulfills its 4th Estate obligations to the citizenry. Mainstream media is bought and paid for by corporate interests. The more I think of it – you’re right. The American Press is worse than a prostitute, for the prostitute at least provides service to clientele, which is far more than can be said about today’s mainstream press. Blessings G

      1. Thanks for sharing this Gilian. I think people need to remember that you just post articles from different sources. You don’t write headlines or add graphics to the articles. The graphic for this particular article was part of the original article. Though some may find the image ‘offensive’ because it is of an erotic nature, what is truly offensive is the ongoing financial looting by the banksters and the cover up by the lying mainstream media. If you want to get upset about something, get upset about that rather than some g-rated image of boobies. Excuse my bluntness, but it’s no worse than Madonna’s bullet-shaped Galtier bra outfit from the 90’s.

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