Our Exponential Power

Our Exponential PowerJill Mattson – Take a moment and feel a negative emotion. You can sense the vibrations within it – the slow cycles per second – its pounding and draining energy. It seems below zero point for us. Recall a car stereo with the deep bass subwoofers – again you can hear the pulsing cycles per second by carefully listening; they are slow enough to count.

Contrast that with a soprano voice with vibrations so fast we could never count the pulsing energy of the sound – yet we are aware of the feeling of high pitches and even energy that a fine thought or a loving feeling carries.

Ancient people understood the universe by looking at the math beneath EVERYTHING. Let’s do just that and see what they would understand from this simple observation. First a little simple science….An octave is the same note – just higher or lower. It is created by doubling or halving a frequency. For example, the frequency of our fine thought was many octaves above the cycles per second of the deep bass tone.

But, something unexpected happens as a frequency climbs many octaves – even though the process is the same – just doubling the cycles per second. Let me explain. If we have a pitch that is 10 cycles per second and we create the next higher octave, it will be 20 cycles per second – with a difference of 10. Contrast that with a frequency of 1,000 cycles per second and create the next higher octave, which results in 2,000 cycles per second. This higher octave creates a difference of 1,000 cycles per second when it climbs just the one octave. There is a big difference between 10 and 1,000 cycles per second.

The conclusions? When we simply change our mind and discard a negative opinion, choosing a more forgiving or kind thought, we create energy of a MUCH higher frequency. Becoming more loving and kind is no small feat and has quite a kick to it. By simply being, complete with understanding and mercy, we make a significant change in our world and THE world – and all of this is unseen. What irony that such power lies hidden within a simple kindness, and how strong and contagious it is. (Waves in close proximity interact – that is indisputable science.)

We are babes unaware of our silent songs that are created from every little thought, feeling and action that we create – molding each other and our worlds.

SF Source Jill’s Wings of Light Jul 2022

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