The Loonies Are Loose

Spiritual Dynamics February 10 2013

During the cosmic gateway of December 21st, 2012, higher energies flooded into the physical realm. This was not a gateway that opened and closed; it was a gateway that opened and stayed open.

Since then, our emotional and physical bodies have been working to adapt to the new, higher energies. Those of us who wish to evolve have been adjusting to this new reality. Those on the opposite end of the spectrum have been losing their balance and acting out in some surprising ways.

There have been numerous examples just lately of weird and shocking behavior. The victims of violence have been random members of the public and sometimes authority figures have been targeted. Even the perpetrators can be from positions of authority, such as the senior police officer who killed his family, then himself, but not before he set the house on fire and threatened to shoot the firefighters who came to put out the blaze! Yes, the loonies are loose, and more of them will be popping up out of the woodwork before things eventually settle down again.

Add in the increased risk factors you face from the global warming-induced violence of storms, tornadoes, fires and floods and you can see that the world has become a lot less safe than it used to be.

This is not a time to hope that your intuition will keep you clear of trouble. This is not a time to hope that you’ll have the right hunches at the right time to keep you and your loved ones safe. This is a time to guarantee such safety.

Your soul can foresee every risk that will come anywhere close to you in the near future. The question is, if danger lurks, will you sense the warnings well enough to steer clear of a danger zone?

The only way to guarantee a strong and lucid inner warning system is to practice connecting with your inner self each and every day; preferably, more than just once a day. If you don’t already make a distinct inner connection daily through a dedicated spiritual practice, it is vital that you begin now.

We have expanded our explanation of the Spiritualize technique on our new website. The Spiritualize technique is the perfect practice for the fast-paced lifestyle of the 21st century. It takes just one to five minutes to perform this incredibly powerful and uplifting practice. With it, your inner attunement will be operating optimally for a strong inner warning system.

Add in the facts that the Spiritualize technique can dissolve any challenge you face as well as transform your life into a happier, more healthful, and more inspired reality.

The updated Spiritualize technique is fully explained and detailed at our website.

2 thoughts on “The Loonies Are Loose

  1. He lost me when he said global warming. it is a cosmic warming and energy release going on.

    Gillian, what is your take on the oppt, The One People’s Public Trust?

    1. Hi David, I don’t buy “global warming” either. Certainly, there is climate change going on – most apparently so. But “global warming” is simply a canard put out there to tax humanity for carbon emissions – an event that simply isn’t the result of human misconduct.

      I like the fact that OPPT has flipped the switch from “material” to “spiritual” in the way they’re approaching things. I believe there is great sincerity here. I’m simply not convinced that the criminal element running the world is as impressed with spiritual law as is necessary to pack up their toys and go away. But hey! I could be wrong. In fact I’d LOVE to be wrong. Hugs, G

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