The Erosion of Privacy: Virtual Home Invasions

“The privacy and dignity of our citizens is being whittled away by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society quite unlike any we have seen—a society in which government may intrude into the secret regions of man’s life at will.”—Justice William O. Douglas

We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping TomsJohn W. Whitehead – The spirit of the Constitution, drafted by men who chafed against the heavy-handed tyranny of an imperial ruler, would suggest that one’s home is a fortress, safe from almost every kind of intrusion.

Unfortunately, a collective assault by the government’s cabal of legislators, litigators, judges and militarized police has all but succeeded in reducing that fortress—and the Fourth Amendment alongside it—to a crumbling pile of rubble. Continue reading

Lost in the Vast Wasteland of Social Media

Lost in the Vast Wasteland of Social MediaCharles Hugh Smith – That social media is addictive is self-evident. The temptation to continue scrolling is as limitless as the vast wasteland of content.

The destructive nature of this addiction is also self-evident. The net result of this addiction is depression, anxiety and rising rates of self-harm and suicide.

The immense profitability of addiction to screens and social media establishes the corporate incentives to increase their addictive power and thwart attempts to limit this profitable power. Who cares about self-harm and depression when shareholder value is at stake? Continue reading

Unveiling the True Cost of New Age Commodification

Unveiling the True Cost of New Age CommodificationDakota Flynn – In the realm of spirituality and self-discovery, the New Age movement has garnered both fascination and skepticism. Promising enlightenment, healing, and connection to higher realms of consciousness, it has captured the imagination of seekers worldwide. However, beneath the surface of this seemingly enlightening movement lies a complex web of beliefs, practices, and deceptions.

The term “New (c)Age deception” encapsulates a growing sentiment of people questioning the authenticity and efficacy of certain aspects of the modern spiritual landscape. It suggests a divergence from the core principles of genuine spiritual growth and a commercialization of enlightenment. As seekers navigate the vast expanse of New Age teachings, they are confronted with various ideologies, practices, and products promising transformative experiences. Continue reading

From Talking to Doing: The Difference Between Libertarians and Bitcoiners

From Talking to Doing: The Difference Between Libertarians and BitcoinersPaul Rosenberg – I am not trying to insult libertarians; they’ve been right, or reasonably close to right, on most everything, and for decades on end; that’s not a trivial thing. Nonetheless, they could never get much moving in the world, while Bitcoiners, to use an old but fitting phrase, are turning the world upside-down.

I think it’s important to understand why. Continue reading

Conflict of Interest: Google Funding in Gain-of-Function Study

Conflict of Interest: Google Funding in Gain-of-Function StudySean Adl-Tabatabai – According to newly unearthed research published in the journal PLoS One, scientists from Yale University, Metabiota Inc., EcoHealth Alliance, the Guangdong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the University of Washington Center for One Health Research (one of whom is Peter Daszak himself) wrote about another study out of China involving what gain-of-function research. reports: They explain how they looked at the transmission of pathogens “with pandemic potential in highly exposed human populations at the animal-human interface.” They also conducted a risk factor and exposure survey along with a serology follow-up on the 1,312 individuals who were part of the study. Continue reading