Paris: Horrible Attack – Who Did It And Why?

ParisBix Weir – The world was shocked once again by a horrible attack on innocent people in innocent places last night in Paris. My prayers go out to the innocent people that have been devastated by this atrocity and I totally agree that those responsible should be hunted down and served justice…

But who are “those responsible”?

Immediately, the mainstream media is blaming ISIS and the drums of war began beating. It was surreal – almost word for word the media read their lines preaching the need to stand by the French in the fight against terror, the nation that founded Liberty must be defended and we must take the fight to ISIS in Syria.

They read an almost identical script after 911…to attack Iraq.

As the world is being lead to react emotionally to this event I would beg people to look at the who, why, where and WHEN this attack took place. All these questions take time to decipher and sooner or later the truth comes out…and it’s usually not the same truth as the media portrays in the first days or weeks after such an event.

Ex Secretary of the Treasury (and one of the Good Guys) Dr. Paul Craig Roberts posted a very intelligent article this morning here:

The Matrix Extends It’s Reach

Can Western peoples be intelligent to fall for a story set in stone prior to any evidence? In the West, facts are created by self-serving statements from governments. Investigation is not part of the process. When 90 percent of the US media is owned by six mega-corporations, it cannot be any different.

As The Matrix grows in the absurdity of its claims, it nevertheless manages to become even more invulnerable. – END

That’s what we all need to do. Withhold our judgement long enough to get the facts keeping in mind that SOMEONE always has an agenda in these times of terror attacks.

As to the WHEN this happened there are clues already that the ISIS/Syria agenda plays right into the hands of those wanting to ramp up WW3 by starting in Syria. The terror attacks in Paris happened on the eve of a very important meeting in Vienna:

Syria Talks in Vienna Overshadowed by Paris Massacre

The string of terrorist attacks in Paris happened on the eve of the meeting in Vienna, where the paths for resolution of the years-long war in Syria will be discussed. The future of Syrian President Bashar Assad and a list of Syrian militant groups that can be considered moderate enough to be part of a UN-led peace negotiation are the biggest issues on the agenda at Saturday’s meeting.

Western nations have been insisting that Assad has lost legitimacy in Syria, but lately agreed that he may play a part in a transition. The US has tried to train moderate militant groups hoping they would fight against terrorist groups such as IS and government forces, although so far the effort has proved fruitless. -END

Coincidence or planned to coincide with this meeting?

Our world and the people who run it are sick. We need truth and justice to move forward so DEMAND JUSTICE for the Paris Attacks…just make sure they are looking under the right rocks and finding out WHO is pulling the strings behind the scenes as all the evidence is uncovered.

May the Road we choose be the Right Road.

SF Source Road to Roota  Nov 2015

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4 thoughts on “Paris: Horrible Attack – Who Did It And Why?

  1. You can bet the (X) treasury media spokesman is wrong that its not simply a F F about distracting from talks in Syria.
    Certainly french intel were in on it- check out the Bush look on the french PM face as he stays sitting at a game against Germany after a “terrorist” blows himself up on the premises.

  2. The powers that should never have been are loosing their grip on their control strategies and tactics as people en mass are waking up to their hidden agendas and the methods they use to perpetuate their causes for specific means and goals, Charley Hebdo, Boston Bombing, fake ISIS be-headings, burnings and attacks, right back to 911 and beyond….etc.

    These sociopathic, narcissistic, psychopathic world “dealers”, (in Human resources) not “leaders” are using war (once again) to cover their backs while the worlds economic situation worsens by the day, just as the Paris bombing is a distraction away from the Vienna talks, war is a distraction away from economic failure and those responsible for the deception of “economics” who have manipulated it to that point, they have learned from previous revolutions (the french one included) “let them eat cake” has become, let them eat currency.

    There is a shifting of frequency and consciousness happening on a scale that this age old system of control has never experienced before in its entire history, and that is one that grows by the day in numbers and strength, one that is on a World-wide scale, whilst the the system still uses out-dated methods of control that relies on separation and division that once worked on a local, regional, nation, and international level, by manipulating that the current media of the day.

    We are now learning to rely more and more on each other for sources of information rather than relying on corporate and state (same thing really) funded entertainment media outlets that run (N)ot (E)ven (W)orth (S)eeing stories for the emotionally unstable child-minded masses consumption, who just like a child that has had there favourite toy wrenched away from them will react with pure, un”adult”erated emotional outbursts a system of propaganda that has trained the masses to do so since childhood, who become like Pavlov’s dogs that react to the ringing bell of the media and salivate with dripping emotion demanding their remedy.

    A remedy that is supplied by the system that relies on the Hegelian Dialectic to push its own agendas that the masses get their albeit temporary relief from until the next contrivance comes from that very same system and those that perpetuate it who decide to throw out there for mass consumption.

    Unfortunately, people are starting to wake up in record numbers and at a rate that these systems of control cannot keep a lid on and are resorting to old world tactics of propaganda and in doing so are exposing their hand for who have the eyes to see, who then show others, and in turn show others, and so on….the wars that are here and the ones yet to come come are death throes of the old and the birth pains of the new, they are throwing themselves now throwing tantrums like a baby who has had the pacifier ripped from their mouth, only to expose a toothless orifice and is throwing their toys from the craddle.

    Thank you for the great article…i know no-one will read this but at least its out there.

    Just my thoughts.

    (Hope is the dream of the vigilant)

    (Whilst I breath, I hope)


    1. “Thank you for the great article…i know no-one will read this but at least its out there.” Well, I at least read your excellent comment. Thank you for taking the time to write it. – Hugs, g

      1. Thank you for your response, it is appreciated, i am used to having my comments either, deleted, ignored, shoved right to the bottom of comment sections or trolled, this is a welcome response, please excuse the typo’s, got used to laziness in keyboard articulation given the abovementioned circumstances.

        I have read many of your posts, thank you for your contribution to the collective consciousness.



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