Pelosi Says New Democrat Impeachment Resolution Is “Not an Impeachment Resolution”

pelosiCristina Laila – The corrupt House Democrats announced Monday they are moving to a new phase in their sham impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

The Democrats this week will be voting on a resolution to “ensure transparency” and “provide a clear path forward” in the coming impeachment inquiry.

Pelosi said in a letter to lawmakers Monday that she plans a vote this week, likely on Thursday.

To be clear, this is a resolution, not an article of impeachment — the measure is to establish some process procedures.

Pelosi knows she doesn’t have the votes to impeach President Trump and/or she doesn’t want to put vulnerable red-state Democrats on the record voting in favor of impeachment.

“This resolution establishes the procedure for hearings that are open to the American people, authorizes the disclosure of deposition transcripts, outlines procedures to transfer evidence to the Judiciary Committee as it considers potential articles of impeachment, and sets forth due process rights for the president and his counsel,” Pelosi said in her letter.

“We are taking this step to eliminate any doubt as to whether the Trump administration may withhold documents, prevent witness testimony, disregard duly authorized subpoenas, or continue obstructing the House of Representatives,” Pelosi added.

When confronted about the new impeachment resolution, Speaker Pelosi denied it was a “an impeachment resolution.”

Pelosi was asked by NBC News reporter Alex Moe to comment on the impeachment resolution, and the Speaker replied, “It’s not an impeachment resolution.”

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said in response to the video of Pelosi, “Because it is a coup.”

Other Twitter users speculated old Nancy may have hit the bottle already.

Go home Nancy, you’re drunk. — CN (@BullBearBattle) October 28, 2019

SF Source The Gateway Pundit Oct 2019

2 thoughts on “Pelosi Says New Democrat Impeachment Resolution Is “Not an Impeachment Resolution”

  1. I doubt Comey will be allowed to leave the United States before or after he is indicted. He is a high target criminal and, even if he were allowed to leave, New Zealand is no match for the US if the US comes calling for Comey.

  2. Pelosi has to run from DC office to office to avoid any unpleasant questions from hallway reporters. She is frantically trying to do damage control on her middle east terrorism dam that has already burst. Comey apparently has already done his legwork necessary for a long term NZ holiday sabbatical for heath reasons. There are very few places that will accept long term DC holidayers and if they all go to NZ it would be hard to explain. It’s crisis management time in DC and only the idiot Schiff is smiling. Does he know something no one else knows or does everyone else know what he doesn’t know. Can they really be that stupid? Yes!

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