Political radicals try to bring down Rumble and Locals

Unmuzzled News – Tim Pool has made a career and a fortune by saying things that irritate both the Left and Right.

Because of that, the top podcaster understands the importance of protecting free speech in the United States.

And now Pool is ready to go to war after Thought Police radicals tried to bring down one of the few spaces free speech still exists on the internet.

Rumble vs. YouTube

Google’s YouTube is the largest video sharing platform in the entire world.

It also has a history of censoring views that don’t fit the Left’s faulty narrative.

YouTube can’t seem to go more than a month or two without suspending large conservative content creators on the platform like Steven Crowder – who still isn’t monetized.

They permanently banned Alex Jones’ channel.

Videos critical of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s pandemic restrictions and videos questioning the integrity of the 2020 Presidential election were removed.

YouTube has even removed seven videos from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s – a major third-party candidate for the White House — channel for engaging in topics like COVID-19, vaccines, and the assassination of his uncle.

With so much suppression of speech on YouTube, conservatives have been fleeing to the platform’s biggest rival, Rumble.

And as Rumble continues to grow, the cancel culture mob is resorting to more extreme measures to shut it down.

Leftists declare cyber war on Rumble

Recently, Rumble users found out the hard way they couldn’t stream live to the platform.

The same problem, at around the same time, happened on fellow free speech platform, Locals.

“I was planning to go live, but Rumble and Locals are down,” Viva Frei, a popular lawyer and commentator on the site tweeted to his followers. “Apparently it is a massive, unprecedented attack. One that is likely politically motivated. If I have any updates, I will let everyone know. Godspeed Rumble!”

Frei’s fears proved to be well founded.

Rumble Chief Executive Officer Chris Pavlovski has now confirmed Rumble and Locals were victims of a politically motivated cyber-attack.

Pavlovski added that the attack on the free-speech platforms’ servers isn’t a one-off and has continued.

“I can confirm that this attack has been unprecedented and has been happening since this weekend,” Pavlovski tweeted. “I also suspect it is political, coming from activists and/or organizations who want to censor our creators, and related to J6 videos being posted on Rumble.”

Rumble supporters coming out of the woodwork

Many prominent political commentators are standing by Rumble’s side in this cyber war.

Centrist podcaster Tim Pool summed up his feelings in a single word.

While Pool is ready to go to figurative war to protect free-speech spaces, Twitter owner Elon Musk chimed in simply with exclamation points.

Meanwhile, Elijah Schaffer referred to the attack as “absolutely unhinged behavior from enemies of free speech.”

The majority sentiment in the comments on Pavlovski’s confirmation tweet is that the cyber-attack is evidence that Rumble is doing something right, and the Left is desperate to stop any counters to its propaganda.

SF Source Unmuzzled News Dec 2023

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