Juan O’Savin: Patriot’s Day [video]

presidentAlexandra Bruce – The “storming” of the Capitol appears to be a False Flag initiated by Antifa-BLM. Witnesses and video indicate DC Metro Police opened the “breached” gates to let in “Trump supporters” and then shot and killed Ashli Babbit, 14-year Air Force Veteran at point blank range.

Then Congress stepped over her dead body to reconvene and fraudulently certify Biden.

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube censored President Trump’s video statement urging those at the US Capitol to remain peaceful, to return home and to support law enforcement. All retweets, likes and replies were disabled before that tweet and several others were deleted and his account was locked with a warning that they may suspend him permanently.

Then my own 10-year-old Twitter account was terminated, after I told Biden to “Eat shit and die.”

I’m beginning to sense what life under Kamala Harris would be like, as the China Model is snugly garotted around our throats.

Democrats and the Republicans are rushing to “invoke the 25th Amendment” and impeach Trump two weeks before his term ends because they don’t want him to declassify any more information.

“Deep Breaths!”

Things appear very dire, indeed but Juan O Savin is back, calling in from the Trump Hotel in DC to say “Everybody, deep breaths!” He tells us to listen to what Trump said, that a stolen election will not stand.

“You’re getting a Hellish, Near Death Experience as a nation…Vice President Pence would like to tell you that his hands are tied, he can’t do anything; it doesn’t matter what other people say about the interpretation of the Constitution, that he can’t stop the Electoral process.

“BULL F***ING SH*T!!! A steal is a steal, that’s the whole point; that’s why these portions of the Constitution exist! If something has happened and a fraudulent transaction of the vote of the people has occurred in any of the states, you cannot force the rest of the states to go along with a corrupted state…they cannot force us to go along with what they’re doing…

“80% of those that voted, voted for Trump as President of the United States. 80%. The steal, the stolen vote was only by a small percentage…Don’t forget that. The numbers are with us. The majority of the American People are with us. The majority of the American People know that a steal, a fraud is taking place; that you have corrupted, captured, compromised individuals in the Congress. That you have corrupted, compromised individuals in the Judiciary.

“You can’t get to justice in the Justice Department, because it’s a captured operation. Knowing that and allowing everyone to pick a side, show their hand, show who they are, this is Casino Royale at the nation-state level. Everybody’s cards are coming out on the table and now, we’re going to get to see what the Executive Office, what the President can do with the power that he has, that was lawfully given to him by the American voters in 2016 and in the Executive Orders that he issued after coming into office in 2017.

“The President is going to protect the American Electorate. He is going to protect the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic. Let there be no weakness in your resolve, no dithering. Understand, the President needs the people to side with justice, to side with lawfulness.

“We didn’t lose the election. Conspirators in numerous countries offshore, outside the United States conspired to steal power over us, to rule over us with persons of their choice for their advantage…

“British agents, working for MI6 out of London did an operation based out of Italy and a facility out of Italy that was monitored by good guys on our side, by good guys in Italy that were assisting us; monitored those British agents working with Italian intelligence agents that were on the other side, if you will, working also with persons out of Switzerland; Swiss agents.

“And remember, the banks in the City of London, the City of London, itself, the Queen herself has to go to the City of London once a year and present herself to the Mayor of the City of London, the square mile banking capital of Planet Earth, to curtesy and bow because that is the true power.

“And where do those banks handle the reconciliation of all their banking transactions? Basel, Switzerland. Who runs the Vatican? The Swiss Guards! Even the Italian people are mad as Hell. They know about it! It’s the biggest news going on in Italy right now! The stealing of the American vote! The Dominion voting machines being run – the compromise being run, managed out of Italy, through Frankfurt, through Spain, into Canada and down into the US, through Nashville, through Maricopa County, controlling states across the country!

“All of these states that are in contention right now are those states where the Dominion machines were being used and worked from foreign soil to steal your election.

“A stolen vote is not a legal vote. It is not something that needs to stand and the President will be doing his job as he takes his next actions and the American People need to be on board with with him, understand why he’s doing this and give him a little wind beneath his wings as he proceeds forward, doing exactly what he was hired to do: protect the Constitution and the American People from enemies foreign and domestic – and that’s exactly what he’s gonna do.

“You think he doesn’t have the will to proceed forward, he doesn’t have the authority? Watch and learn!”

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Jan 2021

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