Providing Peace to the Heart Chakra

Peace to the Heart ChakraSince the coronavirus pandemic, crystals have become more popular than diamonds. Americans are looking for peace and healing, and crystals have been able to offer that.

Crystals and chakras go hand in hand, as they are directly related to one another. If one of your chakras becomes blocked, you can use crystals to unblock it.

There are many methods you can use to balance your chakras, and today we will be exploring how to bring peace to your heart chakra.

Read our guide below to start your spiritual journey.

How the Heart Chakra Affects You

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata, is right at the center of your chest, just above your heart.

It controls your inner peace, love, and joy, and is associated with the color green.

If your heart chakra is blocked, you may feel sad and negative emotions and struggle with relationships and compassion. When your heart chakra is open, you’ll be filled with feelings of love, joy, and empathy.

To provide peace to your heart chakra, there are a few different methods you can try.

Practice Visualization

Visualization is one of the most effective ways to open your heart chakra.

Practice by playing your index finger on the base of your thumb. On the same hand, press your middle and ring fingers to the tip of your thumb.

Make this gesture with both hands. Sit cross-legged and hold your hands up on either side of your face. Visualize anything in your life that makes your heart expand.

This could be a loved one, a pet, a memory, or even a special place. Practice this daily.

Write in a Daily Gratitude Journal

Practicing mindfulness and gratitude is essential to bringing peace to the heart chakra.

Write in a journal daily, specifically writing down at least three things you are grateful for.

Write down anything that makes you happy at that moment. Reflect on your day and consider what went right.

If you are journaling in the early morning hours, write down three positive things you will do for yourself that day.

This will help you to practice being more open to positivity.

Use Healing Crystals

Energetic healing is another excellent way to open your heart chakra. As the heart chakra is associated with green, using green crystals can help you balance the energy of your heart chakra.

While your vibrational frequency is easily influenced, crystals are unwavering. This allows them to influence your energy, helping you find balance and peace.

There is more than one green crystal meaning, so it’s wise to read up to find the best for you. Then, hold your crystals in your palm and allow the energy to flow into you.

You can also meditate with your crystals, repeating mantras associated with love and compassion.

Use These Tips to Open Up Your Heart Chakra

It can be challenging to find joy when your heart chakra is unbalanced. These practices can provide peace to your heart chakra, opening it up and allowing love to flow back into you.

This is just a start to the many different ways to balance your chakras, so make sure you continue on your spiritual journey.

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Shift Frequency © 2022 – Providing Peace to the Heart Chakra

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