Putin & Trump Agree in 1st Phone Call to Normalize Relations [Video]

Bill Still – Donald Trump doesn’t mess around when it comes to taking immediate action. Just 18 hours ago, President-elect Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin did something in a few minutes over the telephone that President Obama couldn’t do in the entire 8 years of his presidency.


In one phone conversation yesterday, they agreed to begin the process of normalizing Russian-American bilateral relations.

Putin and Trump spoke of the need for readjustment of trade issues for mutual benefit, as well as joint efforts in fighting their common #1 enemy – international terrorism and extremism.

Historians believe the relationship started in 1809 when President Thomas Jefferson sent John Quincy Adams as the first ambassador to Russia. Adams, along with his wife and son then traveled to Russia to meet with Czar Alexander I.

According to a statement issued by the Kremlin at 22:30 local time:

“Diplomatic relations … would meet the interests of both countries, [as well as] stability and security throughout the world.”

Trump agreed to talk by telephone again, as well as meet face-to-face shortly after the Trump’s Inauguration.

US-Russian friendship – known in diplomatic language as “normalized bi-lateral relations” – jumped significantly during the American Civil War.

A little known fact is the Russians helped President Abraham Lincoln preserve the Union when in 1863 – at the height of the Civil War, Czar Alexander II sent part of his Baltic fleet to port in New York and part of his Pacific fleet to port in San Francisco as a show of force and friendship between the two nations.

Tsar Alexander gave orders that if either England or France actively intervened to support the South, Russia would consider such action as a declaration of war.
This was at a time when the Rothschild banking families were angered that the United States had been out of their control since its founding.

This split away from the privately-owned central bank system of the Rothschilds was exacerbated when Lincoln decided to issue debt-free US Notes instead of borrowing for their war needs from Rothschild-affiliated banks in London and Paris.
Czar Alexander II had also fought to prevent the Rothschilds from establishing their central bank in Russia.

The Czar knew his chances of keeping his nation free of central bank control over the national money system would be seriously diminished if they were to finally capture the United States banking system – something which did not finally occur until the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Historian Thomas Bailey, in America Faces Russia, wrote that with the Union split, Russia had to face her enemies alone. Therefore, Russia had a vested interest in the outcome of the Civil War.

The Russians provided a stabilizing force to ensure that the wealthy new nation was not divided in twain; and then the two pieces returned to colonial status – England re-colonizing the North – and France re-colonizing the South.

Despite the fact that the North had seen recent victories at Gettysburg and Antietam, ironclads that were being built in British shipyards that would soon be sent to the Confederate Navy to help it break the Northern naval blockade of southern goods being exported to Europe – the main source of income for the South.

In the heart of the Confederacy, French diplomats were busy securing the support of the South to take over Mexico.

Lincoln had no other friends among European nations. He faced the world alone.

SF Source Bill Still Nov. 2016

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