The Great Awakening – Q

qShorty Dawkins – I can’t make my mind up about the whole “Q-Anon” phenomena. I admit it.

Are there really a group of White Hats working diligently behind the scenes to bring down the cabal that is attempting to destroy the US from the inside? Is “Q”, the voice of these White Hats who purports to be giving us “bread crumbs” of information in order to 1) keep us informed of the White Hat plans, and 2) asking us to become informed, and to look outside the box for answers?

On the one hand, it would be nice to think that there are White Hats in a position to take down the cabal we know exists. This cabal has controlled US politics, (by controlling both political Parties), the Mainstream Media (MSM), the educational system, giant globalist corporations, and the entertainment industry (Hollywood, including Disney). We know this cabal exists. We are aware of its octopus like tentacles that reach every facet of our lives.

My cynicism makes me wonder (constantly) if this “Q” phenomena is just another psyop meant to distract us; to give us hope, while keeping us occupied with it, only to have our hopes come crashing down, yet again.

The Great Awakening, it is being called. Well, there has been an Awakening happening for a number of years, both in America and throughout the world, yet what has actually been accomplished? Has the cabal been stopped? Has it been overthrown? What cabal members of consequence have been arrested or imprisoned? Harvey Weinstein? Imran Awan? Allison Mack?

When will Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, John McCain, the Bush family, and others who we know have worked to destroy America, be arrested?

“Q” tells us the Storm is coming. So is Christmas. We are told there are over 35,000 sealed indictments. When will they be unsealed and acted upon? Is this another case of raising our hopes, only to destroy them? I can’t stop wondering.

There is one thing about “Q” that I cannot deny, which is that many thousands of Patriots are working with “Q” to spread the story he gives us with his “bread crumbs”. They do so in the belief that they are working to bring down the cabal. It is not just about “Q”. It is a movement. It is the Great Awakening.

People everywhere are abandoning the indoctrination of the MSM and finding the answers elsewhere, to the questions they have had for many years. Most of us have known, for years, that something is wrong. The indoctrination by schools, the MSM, globalist corporations, even the music industry, have fed us lie after lie, until some of us swallowed those lies. Others of us refused to swallow them.

Today, the truth is being told, not by the MSM, or the indoctrination centers we call public schools, but by independent researchers on the Internet. The information is available for those with the desire to know. Many don’t want to know. They prefer the blue pill to the red. They live in denial. They prefer the comfort of not knowing. That comfort is short-lived, however, as the world around them is changing rapidly, leaving them confused and in fear.

Whether you trust in “Q”, or have reservations about him/her/them, like me, it cannot be denied that there is a Great Awakening. We, who are awake, are mad as hell. We know we have been deceived, and we want the deceivers removed from all positions of power and locked up. They have attempted to take from us something very special: our way of life. They have attempted to destroy our country, our economy, our customs and our traditions, In short, everything that we hold dear.

We aren’t going to take any more.

SF Source Oath Keepers Jun 2018

8 thoughts on “The Great Awakening – Q

  1. The last comment – “we’re not going to take it anymore” goes against what this whole Q thing seems to be saying. IMHO this whole thing is being used to buy time for the luciferian psychopaths to finish off America. As patriots listen to Q tell them “trust the plan”, they essentially do nothing as they expect it is being done behind the scenes. Well we have yet to see the first arrest of any high level traitor within our government. Now with the planned-demic destroying our country isn’t it past time for us to fight back?

    1. Agree 100%. I disscovered Q late- just a couple of months ago. Very quickly I was suspicious. Just the slogan and everything they are doing- getting followers to do exactly what the plandemic/cabal/UN/Satantists are doing. The where we go 1 we go all is creepy- essentially it sounds like exavtly what the nazis wanted to do – round up everyone they had on the list as not acceptable etc and rounded up and executed or tortured. I never doubted the existence of the cabal or the hidden in plain site truth about global web of interconnected and related royals and elites that essentially abuse every single one of us. It was the “trust the plan” and the promise of this nesera/gesera bs- I can totally picture a technocrat saying yeah Westerners are lazy and entitled- just tell them to sit back and someone will solve the problems and rescue them and they just have to pray and believe. All our problems will be magically solved and our debts will be erased and a new utopia will be enabled by a saviour and we’ll all be rich and those enslaving us will be held accountable- all we have to do is trust. Good gawd it reeks! The fact it has been deployed so expertly for 3 years makes it all the more disturbing.

  2. From my first take on this Q thing my gut said it was a psyop. I watched the X22Report and the voice “Dave” has a very well articulated and professional presentation.

    All the key words are used, the repetition of what is called “hope porn” and so forth.

    A few weeks ago I saw a video on the push for a global digital currency and “Dave’s” voice was on it pushing the plan.

    I went to the x22report youtube channel and left a message asking why he would be involved with the plan. A few days later and until now I am unable to post ANYWHERE on youtube.

    I tried going to google and the droid-type of woman said that youtube has no tech support and was unable to help. Wouldn’t even look at my youtube channel, etc.

    After years of no problems on youtube the “coincidence” is too far fetched. His narrative is very professional with constant refrence to Mr. Trump taking down the FED, etc. but the replacement economy currency is NEVER mentioned.

    BEWARE when it seems too good to be true. No insider there, just brilliant psyop at work.

    1. Dave at X22 report is a BRILLIANT analyst and no psyop. Perceiving good outcomes for this planet seems to be the hardest things for most people. Sad.

  3. I was elated to see this article on the “Q” hope porn phenomena, because I too am a bit confused. First of all, do we really believe that the ones who really run this joint didn’t see the trump election coming? That is very hard to believe, even if the usual level of vote fraud was dialed back a bit. Secondly, if we admit that Trump’s election could not have been spontaneous but was actually planned, then we must ponder the rumored martial law/REX-84/FEMA camp round-up rumors. Is this all a big set-up to fill the camps with patriots instead of the deep state luciferian psychopaths? You gotta wonder…

      1. It’s hard at first. And then once we start REALLY looking we get confirmation concerning what IS the truth. And once we get confirmation concerning one truth then we are more easily able to discover (and confirm) additional truth. Hang in there! It’s worth the effort – g

    1. Good thinking. The Realist Report and James Fetzer seem to be locked in on exposing the psyop. The overwhelming desire for a “hero” to take down the controllers has taken good people world wide into the psyop.

      We have been lied to since JFK’s murder and before with the current 9/11; Sandy Hook; Boston Marathon; and other false flags. While Mr. Trump appears to be a hero the people I am very concerned about his bad decisions that other rationalize.

      The takeover of humanity as many of us understand has been a very long time coming and the various agendas at work: UN Agenda 21/2030; UN Wildlife Project; the creation of the Technotronic state of womb to tomb track, trace, and data basing are all just part of the plan at work.

      This Covid-19 hoax has locked down over 3 BILLION people world wide. If that is not a clue then what is??

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