Chosen By Fate – Loved By The Fae

Guest writer ShiftFrequency February 23 2014

What Do You Mean You Don’t Believe In Faeries?

RavenFairyFaeries aren’t real, you say. They’re just characters in nursery tales we put aside when we graduated to second grade and had everything all figured out. That’s what I thought too, grounded grownup that I am… until I met one. Up to that day my only prior experience had been financial transactions with The Tooth Fairy: leave a discarded baby tooth under your pillow, receive money. That worked great until I ran out of baby teeth. After my dental cash cow died, faeries were no longer on my radar at all, ever.

Despite my insouciance, a faery had been watching me for many years in human time. She followed me as I fed the wild birds every day, no matter how cold it was or how deep the snow. She watched as I conversed with bees and dutifully carried spiders out of the house instead of smacking them with a newspaper. She lives in my riotous lavender bed and watched me plant fields of wildflowers, play nice with mice and snakes, and I guess at some point she decided I was worthy enough. I felt her presence in a vague way but had no idea I was being tested, and I passed anyway.

To take visible form was very difficult for her, the Fae are uncomfortable in our dimension, and for good reason; to them we are haughty, lumbering creatures who bustle about, bristling with self-importance, believing we are far too sophisticated to engage with magical beings. We wrap our lives around so many misconceptions that we really cannot see the forest for the tree spirits.

So before your judging mind interrupts, “This woman is swimming laps in La La Lake,” let me call my first witness for the defense. Had I not had a reliable eyewitness to my first faery encounter, I may have chalked it up as just another freaky flashback from my experimental youth. One day, two summers ago, my manly, down-to-earth husband spotted a shimmering lavender faery sitting on the branch of a pine tree. Hunter is not so deeply infatuated with his ego that he doesn’t understand or appreciate that there is a whole universe of beings he cannot see and therefore has no right to claim do not exist. Though he is more open-minded than most, faeries were definitely not part of his worldview… until the moment he called me over to the window and pointed. “Do you see what I’m seeing?” I sure did, and it rocked my world.

Let me ask you a shamanic question… Do you know how your body knows it has a virus invader?   How does your brain communicate with your immune system to hustle over to the invasion site and commence a battle for your life? You’re probably mumbling something about T-cells and antibodies, and that’s as far as most of us care to go so long as everything is humming along properly and we get to work on time. You know your body labors 24/7 to keep all systems GO no matter how much beer you drank last night, but you cannot see or know exactly how it does this. Even as you read this, enzymes turn the pizza you ate into something resembling nourishment, without your help, attention or understanding. Why are we so oblivious about how we are kept alive from minute to minute? Well, for one thing our biology, our meat suit, is a holographic projection, and we’ll get to that more in a minute. But what we have to understand is that what we cannot see is sometimes more important than what we can. Your very existence is a miracle of unseen, unfathomable forces, the same world the faeries live and make their magic.

So open that closed mind for a moment and take a trip with me to a world that exists all around you right now, a world that, if you are worthy enough, will open magical doors to places within you and without you that make fairy tales seem tame.

This Ain’t No Disney Ride

Disclaimer: I have never read a book on faeries and I likely won’t; I am only writing here about what I have experienced and I have a reason for doing this. But this is so Not Me. Normally I approach every new idea logically left-brained, inhaling a book or two to start with to get up to speed. But this Mists of Avalon world feels so different than what we are used to navigating; it must be experienced through a connection between the heart and third eye without the yammering rational brain’s involvement. You have to give up your notions of superiority and infallibility and allow your heart to lead you to uncharted oceans and barbarous coasts. That’s the real lesson in all this, for all of us.

As much as we all loved Peter Pan, and no matter how tempting it would be to fly to Neverland as the going gets tougher on Planet Weird, the Disney image of faeries has been hard wired into us wrongly. Laura Bruno is my main go-to source on the Fae. She wrote recently in her article Quick Tips for Interacting with Faeries, “Disney and the Victorians did a great disservice to humanity in promoting the idea that all faeries are flower fairies or Tinkerbells. Some faeries are 30 or more feet tall!”

We’ve all heard about the machinations of leprechauns, trolls and elves. Their magic is integral to the faery realm and they play tricks on us all the time, we just don’t realize we are being snarked by actual beings. There is definitely a dark side to faeries, just like there is a dark side in all of us, and facing that dark side in ourselves is part of the admission price to Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.

What does the “dark side” mean exactly? What do you feel when you whack the living daylights out of a spider? Do you feel anything at all? And how might this rectify with your abject horror and disgust when you see an animal abused or neglected? Do you recognize that all living things have a spirit and a reason for being here just like we do, not just to annoy us or bite us or feast on our begonias, and that they are starkly aware when we are not walking the walk? These are uncomfortably dark inconsistencies we are very good at ignoring. Sounds like the image of a little devil who sits on shoulders and roundly scolds us to be good. Just replace that image with a faery reminding us to tread softly on the earth. They aren’t here to anoint us with Pixie Dust, their role is to protect this planet from Round-Up spraying, fracking creatures like us. They need all the help they can get, and so do we.

Coming Out of the Faery Cupboard

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin

So your day comes and you are chosen, a faery floats into your life and you are forever changed. How do you tell your friends and family you have joined the Fae social network? The easy answer is that you don’t, and this works pretty well while you are still working this all out for yourself. But sooner or later you recognize this as just another dark thing you are hiding from you and the rest of the world so you can hold on to the rigid realist you once were but can no longer be.

At some point you can do like me and Laura and many others who have walked this path, you just blare it out there for the whole freaking world to see and let the friend chips fall where they may. It’s both liberating and scary at the same time, but you will be in very good company. If you search the word “faeries” on Amazon just in books alone you get close to 5,000 hits. What is up with this? How can so much be written about something so few understand or believe? Because some people recognize that the Fae love us deeply despite our lumbering ways, they want to join forces with us, to help us help them protect Gaia Sophia, a cause far greater than all of us. They are begging us for our help in saving the bees and the rivers and all the rest. I know this because I can hear them crying when the snow is falling and the world is very quiet.

Again from Laura, “I know that writing about such matters makes many dismiss me as off my rocker; however, I also know that humans need the Faery Realm right now, more than ever before. Helping to dispel some of the disinformation, disempowered “traditions” and disrespectful approaches is one way that I give back to beings who continue to be extremely generous and loving towards me.”

Shamanism, Fae and the Hologram- When Science Meets the Indigenous in the Metaphysical

“Shamanism is a way of living on the altar of Mother Earth. It’s a way to live in balance on the earth, a way of finding not only peace with yourself personally, but peace with nature and your environment. Shamanism is bringing the two worlds together: your inner world—“your heart”—with your outer world. It’s important to be balanced, to be grounded in both worlds.” ~ Keith Varnum, Waking Times

There is a connection between the world of the Fae and the shaman. I came to shamanism in my usual left-brain way, albeit late in life. As part of my anthropological college training I studied shamans and comparative religion, which taught me that every religion and tribal teaching had its merits and its pitfalls. But if you studied them with an open mind you could mine the many gems to be found there. Even back then I held shamans in the highest regard and understood their powers and abilities as integral to survival of their tribes. They talked to the spirits in every living thing, the eagle to the eider, respecting them for their individual attributes and contributions and working with them, receiving both advice and protection in a mutually rewarding relationship. All this is done on another dimension the shaman learns to navigate and it is not much different from working with the Fae. It wasn’t until after I met my lavender faery and read an article about the traits of a modern shaman that I discovered I had actually become one by default. Perhaps you are one too. You can find out here:

Since that fateful day, the ego-based cloak of intellectualism that once defined me has fallen away- it’s a cold way anyway, the world of mind- along with the hubris that interferes so badly with being one with all there is. The soul longs to breathe free, to soar with the ravens and commune with the wolves. This is what shamans do, what we were all meant to do.

I still have much to learn about shamanism but because the Fae, my animal totems and nature spirits have agreed to work with me, it’s quite apparent they are all in cahoots and this is where the power really lies. Bringing this information to you is my way of paying back all the love, protection and spirit of place my faeries and totems have given me, and in fact, most of what you are reading here came from a Faery Muse whispering thoughts in my head that I have merely transcribed for you. In that regard it’s a bit like channeling, something I have never done or aspired to do. They implant a thought, I type it , so this is really a faery with a message speaking to you through me, and this is also the way of the shaman.

“Shamanic wisdom allows you to experience the merging of your individual consciousness with all consciousness and all creation. Here, you are shown the invisible world of Spirit. The natural outcome of this experience is bliss, and stewardship of the Earth.” ~ The Four Winds Society

So how does the hologram relate to faeries and other spirits we cannot see? We hear a lot about The Matrix, referring to the fabricated world we live in as portrayed by the movie of the same name. It is a virtual world created by our thoughts. Quantum physicists and mathematicians confirm that the reality we believe exists is a holographic projection of the collective. Because solid matter is, well, solid, how can it not be real? This is a hard concept for people to wrap their minds around and I’m going to defer to two experts to explain it:

“What we have always thought of as our life, our reality, is not real – according to quantum physics – but actually a holographic 3D movie we have been immersed in, whose wave frequencies have been downloaded from The Field to our brain, where they are translated into particles located in space and time and projected “out there” for us to perceive through our senses.

What this means is that there is no independent, objective reality “out there,” but a wholly subjective reality created totally dependent on what’s “in here.” In short, there is no “out there” out there.” Stephen David, Butterflies Are Free to Fly

“There is evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it – from snowflakes to maple trees to falling stars and spinning electrons – are only ghostly images, projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that it is literally beyond both space and time.” Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe

What this boils down to is this:

1) What you think is real, isn’t really

2) Everything, the seen and unseen, is part of the holographic universe

3) The entire universe is encoded in every part of the whole, each atom contains the information to construct an entire universe.

The human brain decodes only a limited number of frequencies and then projects them as images we see. An object like an apple appears solid but like your body and everything else, it is composed of atoms that are 99% space vibrating at a frequency we are able to discern as matter. There are billions of “things” out there in “empty space” we cannot experience because our brains cannot decipher their particular frequency. Multiple dimensions exist in this exomatrix, the one we call reality is just a small speck of it.

One example of this is a rainbow. Humans can see its prism effect because it falls in the limited color range of our perception, but a dog cannot see it because their range of vision tends more toward the ultraviolet. Is a rainbow real then, or just a figment of our perception? While we may not see things like ethereal beings and spirits, we can sometimes sense them because we are also part of the hologram, which explains why people occasionally see ghosts, orbs, angels and leprechauns, or sense when someone is watching them… and someone often is.

“… we can we can only see about 2% of the light spectrum, and about the same for the acoustic spectrum. In other words we are nearly blind and deaf, yet we trust these perceptions, and base entire belief systems around them as if all the facts were in.” ~ Chautauqua @ Augureye Express

Let’s Make a Deal

We have a vegetable and herb garden surrounded by a small, waist-high fence, and many flower beds with no fences. Deer, rabbits, moles, gophers, slugs and all manner of bugs love gardens as much as people do, and since we have a wildlife habitat as well as a B&B, I often give my guests garden tours. They ask things like: Why don’t the deer eat your flowers, or jump the fence and get into your garden? Why aren’t you afraid of rogue bears? Why do the birds only eat bugs and slugs and not your strawberries? Why do you let squirrels raid your feeders? How come you have so many bees buzzing around you and they don’t sting you? These are just a smidgeon of the questions people ask. I puzzle over how to tell them that I have made deals with the Fae over all these things and more because I don’t want to freak them out and make them uncomfortable. Since we have been completely chemical-free inside and outside for many years and cared for our little piece of mountain heaven with love and gratitude, the Fae love us and help us because we are all working together toward the same goal, protecting Gaia. I normally just punt with, “I have good karma,” which most people understand, kinda, sorta but not really. I can tell by their puzzled faces.

When joining forces with the Fae, there are some basic rules both parties must honor or the relationship will not last. From Laura these are:

1) Your Word Is Your Bond

2) Respect, Not Control

3) No Rudeness

What kind of deals can be made with these powerful beings? You might agree to stop killing spiders in return for faery keeping spiders out of your house. They also offer protection, companionship, guidance, and a secure knowing that a loving being with great power has your back from whatever dark forces might be in the neighborhood. I have all types of powerful animal spirits around me: grizzly bears and wolves primarily, and I know they will never harm me. When you make deals with the Fae, if you keep your end of the bargain, they will keep theirs. Sweet.

What Does It Feel Like to Talk to a Spirit?

Quite frankly, it’s a monumental mind blower and a profound honor. The heart opens up like a dewy rose and sends unconditional love out in pulsing waves of gratitude. My heart actually flutters when this happens. It feels like cardiac fibrillation, but it’s really the heart chakra opening a portal to a world of magic and possibility. Anyone can make this connection, you just have to believe in your own magic.

Raven Moss is the owner of Moss Mountain Inn Eco-Bed and Breakfast on the edge of Glacier National Park, Montana. She hosts guests from all over the world who come to make a personal connection to one of Gaia’s most sacred places. Visit her website at or her Facebook page:

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

3 thoughts on “Chosen By Fate – Loved By The Fae

  1. Thank you both, Mitch and Barbara. My feeling is… if a faery can go out on a limb for me, I can go out on a limb for her. Today we saved a bee from certain death. A woman wrote to me that she read my article and later in the day her husband was working outside and started swatting at a bee trying to kill it. She stopped him and the bee flew free. The Gaia Activitists are saving the world one bee at a time!

  2. Ok, Raven, you’ve officially outed yourself, hehe! This is a completely unique article! I hope regular reader’s on SF can take time out from seething about the cabal, Rothchild’s and evil ET’s to appreciate how deeply transformative Raven’s experiences and suggestions that we all can practice simple magic in our lives to profoundly help mother Gaia and all living entities. Next you’re in nature, whether in your garden or a city park, look upon the tree’s with wonder, the bee’s with awe, try to connect with their spirit’s through your heart, keep at it, the Faeries will notice your effort’s, if you work as an activist for Gaia, they will bless you a thousandfold. Raven you rock!

  3. Bravo, Raven, wonderful and enlightening article, thank you. As spring approaches here on the West Coast of Canada, I am compelled to heed your words and take your experience into my garden. How I have longed to meet the Fae. It is time. Last year I dealt with the biggest slug I have ever seen in my life – yech and arghhh! But I managed to gently cover it over and go my own way. This year I hope to do better with the wonderful little beasties chomping contently away amongst my labours. Thanks again for your open-hearted and open-minded report about your experiences. Love, B.

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