The Secret Of The 1%

realityJohan Oldenkamp – How is it possible that less then 1% of the human population on this planet is able to dominate the remaining 99%? The main reason for this is that this 1% is very well organized, based on a shared world view.

There is growing group of people who do no longer want to be dominated by this 1%. This is however not a homogeneous group at all, as it is divided into many subgroups. Each of these subgroups is not only promoting its own world view, there is also much rivalry between them. Due to this division, the ruling 1% is able to easily continue their conquest.

What we – the awakened people with pure intentions – need to do is rather straightforward to me. First we need to identify and expose all pseudo gooders, who are in reality only serving their own small-minded egoistic interests. Next, there are also many alternative researchers who actually share a lot of disinformation. Some do this intentionally, but the majority of them does this because they are ignorant of the truth.

The biblical metaphor about the wise man who built his house on rock and the not-so-wise man who built his house on sand is all about the difference between knowing for sure versus conveniently believing or assuming something. True spirituality is all about knowing for sure (just like pure science), meaning to build your own understanding of this reality on “rock”. All religions want you to believe in their dogmas. Each religion enthusiastically encourages blind faith, and it strongly discourages questioning any of its dogmas. Actually, in most cases, questioning even a part of a dogma is severely punished, for instance by expelling.

With religions, I most certainly also refer to scientism (the religion of the universities), to New Age, and to ‘Up There’. The ‘Up There’ religion wants you to believe in the self-proclaimed “truths” received through channeling. Which genuine facts that you know for sure are there with respect to UFOs and ETs? Therefore, what is built on rock, and what on sand?

Each religion wants you to believe something else then you will solve it. Anyone who buys into that becomes passive, and eventually loses the own ability to change reality. The 1% knows exactly what to do in order to maintain control over our shared reality. On the other hand, about 99% of the alternative media is completely disinforming the would-be gooders on how to really create a sustainable new reality.

A sustainable new reality can only originate from a sustainable new understanding that is based on rock. Any other attempt is doomed to fail, sooner or later. As anyone can easily validate, Wholly Science offers the required new paradigm for developing this new understanding. Its true value will become evident when more and more genuine seekers of the truth start to use is. When that “rock-based” group has grown to 1%, then our common reality will start to change for the better for the 99%, as it promotes service to others. Are you ready for Wholly Science?

Johan Oldenkamp is a Guest Contributor for Shift Frequency

SF Source Paleo Newsletter

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5 thoughts on “The Secret Of The 1%

  1. Respectfully, IMO….Mr. Oldenkamp is a member of the “Old Camp” POV, ie. if you can’t prove it it doesn’t exist. He obviously believes “reality” to be created by the powers of the “mind”, validated by ” science”, also a product of current judgement created by the”mind”, that struggles to confine and define the infinite into a safe and explainable finite.

    I would suggest that what powers the mind and all of scientific understanding/creating is….the imagination. Heresy for sure to Mr. Oldenkamp.

    IMO….Reality is Relative to the Realization of what is Real. IF you can imagine it…in that moment in that timeline, a Reality is created. Try to name something that is “unreal”. You can’t do it. If you can describe it or name it … it has to exist, even as just a product of your imagination. Imagination is the seed of all that has been or will be “created” in this 3rd dimension.

    Concluding, it is MO/observation that one size does not/will not fit all. There are as many sizes and boxes as there are individuals. Mr Odlenkamp appears to be uncomfortable with that Reality.

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