Rediscover Your Abilities ~ Plant Seeds of Joy

by April Crawford | Inner Whispers
November 14 2011

“Often in physical reality it is easy to slip into an unawareness of who you are.

Dramatics have a way of dulling the senses. It can lead to a disconnect with your joyful soul participation.

Whenever possible participate in a moment of happiness. Attempt to bring it into your day by whatever means possible.

Joy is like filling your automobile for a journey. It creates a sense of well being on the journey through this life.

Each day remind yourself of one reason for being in this life. Assign a happy thought to it. Nurture this small seed of joy until it has an effect upon your daily dramas.

The good thing about joy is that it can blossom internally no matter what is occurring in the daily drama.

Create the thought of joy and then sit in it. Be there as you move through the day. It will change the dramatics. It may take some days to accumulate enough to oppose the sadness, but eventually will make a difference.

Be patient.

No matter how small of a sliver, joy may be in your life. It is an abundant seed.

Plant it.

Water it.

Wait for the miracle of its blossoming.

You can achieve it.

Be joyful and plant the seeds.

You can achieve it.”


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