Reduce Your Electric Bill With These Renewable Energy Options

If your electric bills are going over budget, there are plenty of ways you can save by using renewable energy. While these options are great for your bottom line, they’re also beneficial for Mother Nature. Reduce your expenses along with your carbon footprint by trying these renewable energy options in your home.

Solar Panels

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One of the most effective types of renewable energy for the home is the solar panel. Roof and yard solar panels are very popular for homeowners who want to create a significant reduction in their energy expenses. Even if you don’t want to cover a huge space with them, just a few panels could still provide a significant amount of power to your home. New advancements like roof shingles with built-in solar energy cells allow you to utilize solar power without reducing your home’s curb appeal.

There is a considerable upfront expense to install solar panels, but if you plan to stay in your home for many years or choose panels that can be removed and taken with you to install on a future home, the investment will be well worth it.

Geothermal Air Conditioning

Air conditioning can account for a large portion of your energy costs, especially if you live in a warmer climate. To reduce these expenses, consider installing a geothermal unit for your home. This is a special type of air conditioning system that absorbs heat from the home and deposits it underground. Then, the coolness from the 55-degree earth is transferred back into your home to provide cool, dehumidified air.

Geothermal units are highly efficient since and eco-friendly. It provides an unlimited energy resource via the naturally cool ground beneath your home. It’s safe, pollution-free, and can also be set up to provide free hot water.

Wind Turbines

You may have seen massive turbines while driving past open fields, but there are actually smaller wind systems that can be installed for residential use. There are generally two types of residential wind turbines available. You can use off-the-grid wind power systems to produce your own energy. Grid-connected systems, on the other hand, use a local utility grid to conserve any overflow energy your turbines produce. If you run low on power, you can then draw from the local grid.

Like many types of renewable energy sources for the home, there are typically financial incentives available for homeowners who install wind turbines. Be sure to check whether your wind turbines qualify for a tax credit or other monetary bonus.

Hydropower Systems

Does your property have any type of flowing water on it? If so, you could use that for a residential hydropower system, also known as a microhydropower system. This can often be created by using a nearby stream or creek. You’ll need to make sure your city permits such a system. If it’s allowed, you should definitely try to take advantage of hydropower, which is one of the most simple and consistent forms of renewable energy.

Reduce your bills with the help of one of these renewable energy sources for the home.

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