Regarding “Political Action”

politicalAnna von Reitz – I note all the poor people rushing in and pleading, oh, no, no, no! We have to participate in the electoral process! The electoral process of what? A private, for-profit, mostly foreign owned commercial corporation run amok?

They say, we have to get so-and-so elected and the Republicans have to take back the Senate…. They don’t yet perceive the insanity of what they are saying and doing.

We’ve been playing this set up board game for a hundred years. There’s no difference between “Democrats” and “Republicans” anymore, if there ever was. Both are representatives of criminality, corruption, incompetence, and enslavement of real people to serve their corporation. They are the two cattle prods, one right, one left.

It’s important to understand that the Roosevelts, Teddy and FDR, set up this mental box with malice aforethought and were also the authors of much of the semantic deceit and fraud that has engulfed America for three generations.

Should it surprise anyone to learn that they were also at the bottom of the development of the present “two party system?” Will it sound strange to you that both modern “national” political parties got their start in Wisconsin, of all places — and that neither of these parties bear any resemblance to their historical antecedents? For example, did you know that after the Civil War, it was the Democrats that blocked black Americans from being able to own land and vote, and it was the Republicans who championed that cause and finally pushed it through?

Perhaps you will wonder why such an odd thing exists? Because in 1848 Wisconsin received a large number of German immigrants who were cast out of Europe for being “Freethinkers and Communists” — a result of the 1848 Workers Rebellion. These people brought their foreign ideas to Wisconsin, settled in, and promptly began setting up the favorite implement of all Communists — a divide and conquer strategy.

All things are dualistic in this world and people naturally think of things as “good” or “bad”, so it is relatively easy to use this unconscious prejudice and default in our logic systems to our detriment.

Unscrupulous politicians just set up “the poles” — or as in this case, “the parties”— and they just drive the sheep from one side of the spectrum to the other. In very short order they have us wasting our time and energy and passion taking actions which get us nowhere. Meanwhile, they are pursuing their real agenda of fraud, more deception, and enslavement.

As if this were not obvious enough, in recent years they have instituted the use of “Diebold Voting Machines” — so they don’t even have to worry about the inconvenient evidence of real election results posed by paper ballots. They can just pay off the private companies and union workers who build and service these machines, then sit back and grin and “wait for the election results to come in.”

Are Americans really as stupid as Barack H. Obama supposes?

Please note that even without these nefarious provisions, the ‘votes” of “voters” decide nothing. They are just popularity polls, serving to tell the slavemasters what “sells” to the sheep. “Electors” are the only ones who decide “elections.” In fact, “Voter Registration” is one of the chief means these rotters use to claim that we are “US citizens” and subject to them and their corporate rules.

Any time that you see the words “registration” or “application” be aware that you are giving up something precious in exchange for something either worthless or downright damaging. When you “register” as a “voter”, you automatically identify yourself as someone claiming slave status, and you give up your birthright to function as an “elector.”

So, all of you with ears to hear, get busy and write to the local “Voter Registration Office” and tell them that you made a mistake. You aren’t a “US citizen” nor a “U.S. Citizen” — you are an American State Citizen — and you rescind your signature on their records and forms accordingly.

If you continue to feel any unreasoning urge to vote in their private corporate elections, please be advised that Section II of the Fourteenth Amendment of their most recent public charter known as the “Constitution for the United States of America” makes it illegal for anyone who is not a “US citizen” — that is, a federal employee, civil or active duty military, Negro, foreign welfare recipient, or natural born inhabitant of a “federal state” like Puerto Rico or “enclave” like Washington, DC — to vote in THEIR elections. You’ve most likely been breaking their law all these years and never knew it, and they have gladly let you do it because it gives them an excuse to lay claim to you and your assets and boss you around and hypothecate their debts against your credit and all sorts of other juicy advantages to them at your expense. It also gives them an excuse to arrest you any time they like and charge you for this “crime” secretly in their very own corporate tribunals. What could be more convenient?

So not only do you need to tear up those “Voter Registration Cards” and stop being fooled by all the “political process” hurrah. That is, drop out of political parties, because they, too, are strictly associated with the corporation masquerading as “your” government. You can also stop giving money to THEIR candidates and wasting time spinning your wheels.

If you want the abuse and theft and deceit to be over, you have to re-create your own PUBLIC offices on the land jurisdiction of your States. Run for THOSE offices. Support THOSE candidates. Just like we have to rebuild the American Court system and the American monetary system, we have to rebuild the American government institutions  because — surprise, surprise — the banks took over the corporation providing you with “governmental services” a long time ago, and they haven’t been doing a good job for you.

A Republic doesn’t run itself and it can’t depend on outside “help.” If you want to be free, now is the time. Stop being hoodwinked by these fraud artists and driven “like dumb driven cattle”.

Just say, “No!” – Anna Von Reitz

Hat tip, Tom!

SF Source Anna von Reitz  Dec 2015

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