We Are Slaves To A Reptilian Brain System

reptilianDavid Icke – I had a message from someone recently claiming that what I say about humans having a reptilian brain is not true. In fact it was one of the most provable pieces of information I have written, as anyone who studies the brain will confirm.

But I thank the questioner because it prompted me to put together this package of information which not only shows that the reptilian brain exists – but also how vital it is to the manipulation of the world by the Illuminati-reptilian bloodlines.

As Credo Mutwa, the Zulu shaman, told me:

“To know the Illuminati, Mr. David, you must study the reptile.”

It is important for people to know the basics about the reptilian brain because it,

(a) reveals where the character and attitudes of the Illuminati come from

(b) how and why we are manipulated mentally and emotionally in the way that we are through television and other imagery

It is to do with the manipulation of the reptilian part of the human brain.

There are three articles detailing the reptilian brain presented for you here… and my comments are in (italics.)

The Reptilian Brain

Now we go below the surface “reality” of the neocortex and into parts of our brains which are still a great mystery to the infant “upstairs.”

These intelligence centers have enabled life to survive in varied forms for millions of years. They are not to be discounted even if they don’t speak the language of the neocortex.

reptilianAgain, I will be general.

The reptilian brain is the most ancient of the brains. It has two hemispheres, just like the neocortex, and it may be that they relate functionally to the left and right hemispheres of the neocortex.

The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord and the basal ganglia, the diencephalon, and parts of the midbrain – all of which sits atop the spinal column like a knob in the middle of our heads.

It is thought to represent a fundamental core of the nervous system and derives from a form of mammal-like reptile that once ranged widely over the world but disappeared during the Triassic period having provided the evolutionary link between dinosaurs and mammals. All modern mammals have this reptilian complex, including humans.

(It was the interbreeding or fusing of reptilian DNA to mammal DNA which created the Illuminati reptilian-human hybrid bloodlines and allows the “purest” of this breed to move between human and reptilian form.)

First and foremost among the traits generated through the reptilian brain is the drive to establish and defend territory. This is fueled by an extremely potent “will-to-power”, exemplified among lizards by the ritual behavior of two rainbow lizards competing for dominance. These animals have beautiful colors and like many lizards, use headbobbing and pushups in assertive, aggressive, courtship and greeting displays.

In a contest, once the gauntlet is thrown down, the aggressive displays give way to violent combat, and the struggle is unrelenting. In victory, they are tyrannical dictators in the extreme. In defeat, they lose their majestic colors, lapse into a kind of depression, and die two weeks later.

(This is classic Illuminati behaviour. Fighting each other and humanity to the death to impose their will and dominance. Winner takes it all)

At least five human behaviors originate in the reptilian brain. These have been denoted as isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive.

Without defining them, I shall simply say that in human activities they find expression in:

♦ obsessive-compulsive behavior
♦ personal day-to-day rituals and superstitious acts
♦ slavish conformance to old ways of doing things
♦ ceremonial re-enactments
♦ obeisance to precedent, as in legal, religious, cultural, and other matters
♦ responding to partial representations (coloration, “strangeness,” etc.), whether alive or inanimate
♦ and all manner of deception

(If I had to do a quick summary of Illuminati behavior, it would be something like the above – the traits of the reptilian brain. Look at The Biggest Secret, my talk videos, and this website. They expose all of the consequences of this behavior – obsessively, compulsively, advancing their agenda at all costs; the obsession with rituals, ceremony, and symbolism; and…yes, yes… all manner of deception!)

All movies and television likely are a projection of the reptilian brain. How so? Movies and television (video games, etc.) are all undeniably dreamlike, not only in their presentation of symbolic-reality, but also in that humans experiencing movies, etc. have the same brain wave patterns as when they are dreaming. And guess where dreaming originates in your head? In the reptilian brain (although other parts of our brains are involved).

(The movie and television industry is not only controlled by the reptilian bloodlines, it was created by them in the first place. The Illuminati are controlled by the traits of their reptilian brain and they seek to manipulate humanity through the manipulation and stimulation of the reptilian part of our brain.)

The “language” of the reptilian brain is visual imagery. All communications transferred by reptiles are done so by visual symbolic representations, each having specific meaning.

(Exactly. And what have I exposed again and again in my books and talks? How the Illuminati communicate with each other and to the human subconscious with endless symbolism and visual codes.)

Reptiles do not dream, but animals which have evolved from the reptiles (mammals & birds) do dream. Why? Because the reptilian mind is still operating in them and we humans call that mental state “dreaming.” There is no “dreamstate” in reptiles because this mentality is their waking state.

It is repressed during our waking hours (but still functioning — it never sleeps) by chemicals released neocortically— then the reptilian is allowed to function during sleep and dream, when the left hemisphere is in turn repressed. But obviously, the reptilian brain is not satisfied being relegated to the “nightwatch” of an inert body. It wants far more than that.

Humans invented rituals and ceremonies, and then, theater. Now where do you suppose those revelations came from? Theater, with its famous theorem of the “suspension of disbelief” (which is simply another way of saying, “Put your left brain to sleep.”) is a re-invention of the reptilian mental-state “out-there”.

And of course, now we have excellent duplication of the reptilian mindset with movies and television, etc.— which by some estimates, occupies up to 16-18 hours of our time per day, when you add in sleep-dream time.

Ritual, ceremony, theater, movies, television, video games, etc.; all of which was created out of the territoriality need-compulsion and the will-to-power of the reptilian brain.

(All confirmation that the reptilian part of the human brain is the “battlefield” on which control of our reality and this planet is being contested.)

This “territoriality” and “will-to-power” is manifested in a variety of ways in human behavior, as are other reptilian traits. Let me give some examples, though you will soon realize that an abundance of examples is present in our civilization. “He” wants to marry her, and “She” might very well be interested, but they agree that before marriage can be considered, he must have a “good job” with a steady income and a “good future”.

“They” are rainbow lizards (or any number of other reptiles, birds & mammals) whose “courtship” consists of the male showing his ability to establish and protect a certain “space” before he will be considered a suitable mate… in short, this kind of compulsion/obsession is reptilian, no matter how much rationale the left brain of the neocortex applies to justify it.

(On the Leading Edge website, traits and consequences of the reptilian brain are listed as: consume, seek a mate, get married, breed, reproduce, fight, riot, obey, eat, kill, fear, worship, buy, drink, drugs, hate, compete, get more, guilt, sin, don’t cooperate, seek differences, sleep. http://www.trufax.org)

As you will see, “territoriality” extends far beyond a patch of earth in humans— and “will-to-power” has many masks. “Us” attack “Them” because of their skin color. It is the color display that “Us” attack. “Us” are cock lizards (& countless other reptiles). All racism is reptilian.

(The Illuminati are obsessed with race and bloodline. This is one reason why they have interbred so obsessively over thousands of years. They are incredibly racist, which is why they are using “population control”, famine, war, and disease to attack the populations of non-white countries, and indeed, to undermine the white peoples who are not part of their reptilian genetic network.)

“B. All” is attracted to “N. Doll” because “N. Doll” wears red lipstick. When “N. Doll” wears blue lipstick, “B. All” is uninterested. “B. All” is attracted to coloration – but color is not the only physical display involved in this compulsion. It could be any physical characteristic.

“B. All” could be addicted to warts. “N. Doll” could be mesmerized by a certain walk.

And what about Mr. “B. All” who digs big breasts and tight buns? Or Miss “N. Doll” who likes big dicks and biceps? They are green anolis lizards who can only respond to some physical display – like a flared collar or a slim chassis. B.

All and N. Doll are impotent without a hot mirage in front of their eyes. They can’t get off without Hollywood or Madison Avenue controlling their hormonal traffic; they don’t go cruising, they go vogue-ing. They are into drive-by orgasms. They are turned on and off by traffic lights.

So who’s doing the driving here?

All compulsive reactions of either attraction or aggression based on any physical display or representation is originated in the reptilian brain.

“Goo Rue” lives in a shallow cave on the top of an isolated mountain. “Goo Rue” follows a very simple daily routine from which he never strays. Most of his day is spent in prayer, basking in the radiation of his god (which, being “beyond words,” is imaged at his altar as a serpent spiraling up a rod).

The rest of “Goo Rue’s” day is spent patiently foraging for food and “living on the moment.” Frequently, “Goo” is visited by followers from near-by villages who prostrate themselves before him. “Goo Rue” speaks of “timelessness & body-lessness & regeneration.”

After eating, or after giving a particularly inspiring speech, “Goo Rue” has uncontrollable sexual urges, of which only young girls of the villages are aware. “Goo Rue” is a Komodo Dragon.

“Double-O-Dahlmer” is cool and emotionless. “Double-O-Dahlmer” is “Goo Rue’s” brother and lives on the flipside of his mountain. “Double-O-Dahlmer” lives in isolation also, and follows a rigid daily routine, which includes stalking and lying in wait for boys who stray from the village.

Once his prey is lured to his cave, “Double-O-Dahlmer” feeds his needs by sexually dominating the boys and then mechanically dismembering them. He keeps their body parts in his refrigerator. “Double-O-Dahlmer” is a “cold-blooded, emotionless killer.” “Double-O-Dahlmer” is also a Komodo Dragon.

Komodo Dragons are suspected to be the closest of living reptiles that may resemble one of the carnivorous mammal-like reptiles that gave us our proto-reptilian brain. Komodo Dragon hatchlings take to the trees as soon as possible to avoid being cannibalized by adult Dragons. Remember this, for it will take on symbolic meaning later.

All of these behaviors originate in impulses at the reptilian brain or lower in the body, and are modified by the “higher” brains. The reptilian brain is a powerful source of human behavior – primarily because it is hidden. It is deceptive. It is a secret from our conscious. But we do “know” it emotionally, intuitively. It is the slithering serpent in darkness! It is The Unconscious. Zairian saying: “If you kill a snake, you’re still afraid of it.”

(And this subconscious “secrecy” manifests physically as the Illuminati secrecy which has been unfolding an agenda for thousands of years while the people have remained oblivious of its existence.

But because we are in the closing years of the current energy cycle, our sub-conscious is becoming conscious.

As it does so, its physical expression (the Illuminati agenda) also becomes conscious and that is one key reason why the agenda is now being exposed for the first time on this scale. It is a process that cannot be stopped.

Sorry, Henry, mate, the game is up because the veil is up.)

Isopraxic refers to behavior in which two or more individuals engage in the same kind of activity. It cannot be overemphasized that isopraxis is basic to maintaining the identity of a species or a social group. The human fetus is in a perpetual dream-state (reptilian mentality). Newborn babies spend more than half their sleep time in REM dreamstate.

In earliest childhood, our mental state is controlled almost completely by the reptilian brain (along with the later evolved paleomammalian brain and the right hemisphere of the neocortex – the left hemisphere is underdeveloped in earliest childhood).


There is a striking correlation between penile and clitoral erection during dreamstate, even without sexual dream content. Why? In the reptilian brain, sex and aggression and territoriality are the same.  Continue reading . . .

SF Source David Icke May 2015

3 thoughts on “We Are Slaves To A Reptilian Brain System

  1. Thank you, g, for posting this article. Very helpful with respect to the ‘triune brain’ and the filtering of thoughts and feelings through each. Makes sense to me and brought me to the realization that I need to observe more as opposed to analyzing and reacting. Love, B.

  2. Many spiritualist regard Ike”s research to be the cutting edge of the truther movement. I certainly wouldn’t disagree. Yet Davids research stops where there is no so called science to support the quantum conclusions.
    Quantum consciousness is creation’s primary lighted source. Artificial intelligence is an after-the-fact mental deviance of organic quantum’s. It’s a catalyst to the expansion of quantum. Artificial can only run its course like a parasitic virus. Your choices create your personal timeline.

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