Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels

right The Angels – Take a breath, right here, and right now. Ask your heart of hearts a simple question,” What is it I want most right now?” Wait until you see, hear, feel, or know the answer.

It may be as simple as needing a hug, needing a glass of water, or needing some peace and comfort. It may be as grand as wishing that you could restructure your entire life! Whatever is in there, allow it to be. Say Yes. “Yes dear Divine Source, I see what you have planted in my heart. I will trust that this is what You want for me too. I commit to this. I will live in joyful expectation that in the right time and the right way, this will be brought into my life. What is the next step?”

And then commit. Commit to yourself, your heart, your dreams. Make yourself a promise that whether or not you see evidence in your life you will believe in the dream. Remind yourself that whether or not you know how to create this, God does. Promise yourself that even if everyone else around you doubts that your heart’s desires can come true, you will quietly keep the faith.

Commitment, dear friends, is a deliberate choice to aim the energies of your mind, body, and soul all in one direction. Commitment is like taking a garden hose and watering a single plant, rather than recklessly allowing the hose to flail around and water at random. The commitment we are speaking of does not require you to struggle, to over-think the issues, or to push yourself. It simply requires a decision to take charge of your mind, and to think only thoughts consistent with your dream. It is a decision to love yourself in all emotions that arise, while gently reassuring yourself that you are loved.

Commit to yourself dear ones, the way you want the universe to commit to you, for indeed you are the one who gets to decide what kind, and how much energy is aimed towards your hearts desires. A quiet, committed, confident mind and heart, are so much more powerful than pushing yourself into intense, fear-based, actions. You have the power of creation behind you… you only need to hold it steady.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
— The Angels

Ann Albers is a Guest Writer for Shift Frequency

SF Source Visions Of Heaven  Apr 2016

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