Rodgers Blasts Push for ‘Censoring Dissenting Opinions’

censorshipEric Mack – Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has become a face and voice of natural immunity, but now he is taking his voice into denouncing the Biden administration and censorship.

“When in the course of human history has the side that’s doing the censoring and trying to shut people up and make them show papers and marginalize a part of the community ever been [the correct side]?” Rodgers told ESPN on Thursday. “We’re censoring dissenting opinions? What are we trying to do? Save people from being able to determine the validity on their own or to listen and to think about things and come to their own conclusion? Freedom of speech is dangerous now if it doesn’t align with the mainstream narrative?

“That’s, I think first and foremost, what I wanted people to understand, and what people should understand is that there’s censorship in this country going on right now.”

Rodgers has become the voice and face of natural immunity because he famously told an NFL reporter he was “immunized” against COVID-19 even though he did not reveal he was not vaccinated. That became controversial and even President Joe Biden called out Rodgers’ vaccination status when he saw a woman with Green Bay Packers gear on: “Tell that quarterback he’s got to get that vaccine.”

“When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes,” Rodgers told ESPN. “But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that’s not helping the conversation.”

Rodgers’ wide-ranging interview with ESPN blasted not only Biden, but his administration’s push to root out dissent in social media surrounding COVID-19 science, which should remain in a public debate, according to Rodgers.

“Are they censoring terrorists or pedophiles? Criminals who have Twitter profiles? No, they’re censoring people, and they’re shadow-banning people who have dissenting opinions about vaccines,” Rodgers told ESPN. “Why is that? Is that because Pfizer cleared $33 billion last year and Big Pharma has more lobbyists in Washington than senators and representatives combined? Why is the reason?

“Either way, if you want to be an open-minded person, you should hear both sides, which is why I listen to people like Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough. I have people on the other side as well. I read stuff on the vaccine-hesitancy side, and I read stuff on the vaccines-are-the-greatest-thing-in-the-world side.”

Malone and McCullough are frequent guests on Newsmax, talking about COVID-19 science the Biden administration has been adamant it wants to block in the public.

“When you censor and make pariahs out of anybody who questions what you believe in or what the mainstream narrative is, that doesn’t make any sense,” Rodgers continued.

Rodgers’ father, Ed Rodgers, is a doctor of chiropractic care, and has been highly critical of vaccine mandates and Democrats seeking to oppose duly passed election reforms, tweeting: “Absolutely all these liberals are just a bunch of lying hypocrites.”

His shared beliefs tend to align with conservatives and Rodgers’ position on vaccination that made him both a pariah by Biden and a leading voice for natural immunity.

“We isolate ourselves into these echo chambers where we’re only going to listen to things or read things or watch things that confirm our initial thoughts about things,” Rodgers told ESPN. “That’s no way to grow; that just keeps us divided even more.”

Rodgers added his “yeah, I’ve been immunized” to an NFL reporter was planned and made with purpose.

“I had a plan going in for that question to be asked,” Rodgers told ESPN. “It was a pseudo witch-hunt going on – who was vaccinated, who wasn’t vaccinated. I was in a multi-month conversation that turned into an appeal process with the NFL at that time, and my appeal hinged on that exact statement [immunized].

“So what I said was, No. 1, factually true. I went through a multi-immunization process. And at the end of that, I don’t know what you would call it, I would call it immunized.”

SF Source NewsMax Jan 2022

One thought on “Rodgers Blasts Push for ‘Censoring Dissenting Opinions’

  1. Not a fan of the game itself, as I’m way too old and diminished by FDA approved food poisoning to play now, it warms my aging heart to learn of Aaron Rodgers rebelling and speaking out against the Covid-19 ‘scamdemic.’ For those who, like myself, are not medical experts with impeccable credentials like Anthony Fauci and company, all the while there has been an amateur way to judge the true threat of the virus; official statistics. If one will simply search “US mortality” online for the 2017 (last year completed, last I checked) CDC/NCHS/NVSS report on mortality from all causes in the US they should find (not counting Johns Hopkins researchers reporting in May of 2016 that ‘medical error’ was the third leading cause of death in the US) that 2,813,503 (7703/day with no masking, social distancing, lockdowns or overwhelmed hospitals/staff) Americans died from all causes. As of today (as per 898,680 Americans have allegedly died of Covid-19 in some 23 months; some 1302/day.

    First writing the FDA (with replies, some 20,000 others before me on MSG, website counter in the day) of my early lay findings of connections between allergies, added ‘cultured’ MSG, chronic disease and the then still fairly recently announced ‘obesity epidemic’ in October of 2005 (obviously, now, in-vain), in early 2020 it was almost immediately apparent to me that the FDA instigated preexisting conditions were being ignored and the Covid-19 numbers were highly inflated. If Covid-19 was a real threat to humanity, like FDA approved food poisoning, it would have been immediately obvious in the numbers (which, unlike the 25 to 30 million premature American deaths I estimate just since the FDA approval of the expanded use of added MSG as an alleged ‘flavor enhancer’ in 1980 and soy mostly processed more cheaply with toxic hexane with some residue since the early 1970s) were actually rather typical of a seasonal flu. And, too, if Covid-19 were a real threat, although basically un-American censorship of opposing views would make some sense. In a nutshell, a ‘silent American genocide’ already existed for decades and most of the deaths alleged due to Covid-19 were actually FDA instigated preexisting conditions turned comorbidities.

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