News And Views From The Nefarium – July 21, 2016 [Video]

Joseph P Farrell – Speculations about the Turkish coup attempt are ongoing, amid a continued “shut down” of the USA’s Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey, a purge now extending into the thousands, and revelations that Russia may have warned Erdogan’s government of an impending coup:

Fuel for high octane speculations:

SF Source Giza Death Star Community  July 2016

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Gillian Grannum – Here is my speculation concerning the interconnected weave of Turkey, Russia and Hillary Clinton’s emails. I posted it on Joseph’s YT channel. There are interesting comments at the video from others who added to my baseline theory. Those can be read here.


Excellent commentary. In addition, per your acknowledgement that your 4 options may not be all inclusive, here are #5 and #6:

5-Russia, not the United States, is in the driver’s seat. Russia used its superb spy forces to uncover a USA plot against Erdogan that was being hatched by his former friend now enemy living in the US.

Russia gets word to Erdogan that the Americans are getting ready to stab him in the back and they have the particulars of the plot being hatched to unseat him.

Erdogan flies to Russia, gets convinced the plot against him is for real and KNOWS he’ll go down without some Russian assistance. So he agrees to stop being the supply depot for ISIS and the terrorist op in Syria.

He decides to suck salt, apologize to Russia, pay the family who lost a member in the plane that was shot down – all in return for Russia giving him CURRENT intel regarding the coup when he gets home. He gets word timely from Russia. Goes on vacation (just like Putin did when he was being chased) and then sits back and sees all the folk who he needs to get rid of because they are plants of the USA.

6-Kerry’s visit to Russia probably was 2-fold – again, Russia in the driver’s seat. Russia has Clinton’s emails – ALL OF THEM.

Kerry needs to make sure nothing leaks between now and November. Russia is willing to oblige on certain conditions – US goes along with Erdogan’s decision to shut down ISIS, joins Russia in wiping out the remnants of ISIS, and holds out a couple more Trump cards (pun intended) over Kerry’s head.

I’m convinced Putin believes the world will be a much safer place under Trump – despite all the “tough talk” – than Clinton, who is a very frightening thought as POTUS for the ENTIRE globe.

Reason for speculation

From my perspective, Clinton’s emails are the KEY to any analysis of TRUE Russian ascendancy over the US.

1- A couple months back some US General said that any foreign government found to have hacked US servers would be grounds for war. That, obviously, was a typical bumbling US attempt to keep Russia in check

2-IF I’m right about the Russians having ALL Clinton emails then the precision of their Syrian offensive makes sense. There is also the fact that she had Special Access Program info on her server. They would have that, too.

3-Of greater concern to the American governing class, the Russians also likely have ALL the IMPORTANT emails on the Clinton Foundation server, and can trace classified info stored on HRC’s private server to the Foundation server. The likely individual in that transfer is Chelsea Clinton. Only 3 email addresses supposedly issued to the server – Huma Abedin, HRC, and Chelsea.

There is more, but once the Clinton emails are pulled into the picture the sudden shifts in US policy begin to make sense. The Russians can bring down the ENTIRE US govt for money laundering via the Clinton Foundation – the purchase of Super Delegates, and on and on.

This summary only offers the highest level analysis of the power Russia holds as a result of Clinton putting the selling of state secrets above US national security. The Chinese are definitely in on it as well, hence their refusal to back down in the China Seas.


6 thoughts on “News And Views From The Nefarium – July 21, 2016 [Video]

  1. Thank you for the excellent analysis, G. Putin’s master chess skills have outfoxed Obama at every turn. I agree with anon about Edgar Cayce’s prediction; I’ve always believed (and hoped) this would come to pass.

    1. Thanks very much, Raven. The key to all the geo-political moves that we observe moving forward are Clinton’s emails – both those from the State Dept and, of greater importance, those traced to the Clinton Foundation. There’s good chance this is now – and has ALWAYS been – a money laundering outfit, not a charity. Lots of VERY POWERFUL PEOPLE globally have had their assets money laundered by the Clinton Foundation. – g

      Hugs, g

  2. Thank you for sharing this story and video, and adding your insightful and fascinating comments, Gillian!
    What an amazing time to be here on Earth.

  3. I might add that didn’t Putin comment that he had satellite footage of what really took place on 9/11 – and was prepared to share it if necessary? Some incriminating satellite images that stray from the official story, perhaps.

    All of your comments, Gillian, suggest that Edgar Cayce’s almost unbelievable prophecy about Russia uniting the world in peace is coming to pass! Intuitively speaking, I also am expecting something truly horrible to happen to the Clintons before the end of the year. An act of God of some kind. If so, they’ve earned it.

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