Savory CBD infused Edibles You Can Make at Home

CBDConsuming food with CBD is a great way to get in some of that antioxidant, anti-anxiety function that we’ve been reading about for the past couple of years. It’s also a neat way to add some texture to your food, because even though CBD doesn’t actually have its own sweet aroma, adding it to foods and drinks forces you to use more natural spices to add flavor and richness to your food.

If you’re looking to try new recipes, we have a bunch of tasty CBD-infused edibles that you can make at home.

Start by making Cannabutter

Before you jump into the recipe, let’s start by understanding the main ingredient in your CBD edibles – cannabutter. First, you must learn how to get CBD into your food, and assuming you don’t want a bunch of hemp buds in your chocolate latte, there must be a plan to extract it somehow. Most people prefer to purchase ready-made CBD oil so that’s one option; however, you can also pick a CBD–rich strain and decarboxylate it. Check out for ideas on this.

Here are 5 tasty CBD edibles to try:

1) CBD pancakes

Perfect for slow mornings, this recipe is pretty standard American, except perhaps for the melted cannabutter used in place of regular butter. You might want to use extra maple syrup at the end to mask the taste of CBD.

What you need:

♦  1 egg

♦  1 ¼ cups of milk

♦  3 ½ teaspoons baking powder

♦  1 ½ cups baking flour

♦  1 tablespoon sugar

♦  3 tablespoons melted cannabutter

Start by combining the ingredients in a bowl and mix them up to make a thick, smooth paste. Once you’re done whisking the mixture, heat up a pan and use vegetable oil to cook the pancakes. You might also want to use cannabutter here, but that’s optional. Pour the mixture into the pan in quantities of about ¼ cup at a time. Cook for 30 seconds until done, flip, and enjoy.

2) Cannabutter cups

This is an easy snack to make when you don’t have time to actually cook – and it’s super tasty. The texture might be a bit strange, but you’ll get used to it over time. Mix together ½ cup cocoa powder, 1/3 cup cannabutter, and ¼ sugar. Blend them nicely and use maple syrup if you prefer.

Spend enough time mixing the ingredients until all the sugar crystals are dissolved. When finished, put the mixture in the fridge and give it time to harden. These sweet cupcakes are great for snacking and they have a rich, nutty taste because of the cocoa powder.

3) CBD brownies

Brownies are especially popular in the cannabis culture because of weed brownies; but in this case you’ll be making CBD brownies, so no strange feelings after. Here’s what you need to start:

♦  1 cup sugar

♦  ¾ cup cocoa powder

♦  ½ cup cannabutter

♦  ¼ teaspoon salt

♦  2 eggs

♦  2/3 cup baking flour

♦  ¼ teaspoon salt

♦  ½ cup vanilla extract

Put the cannabutter and sugar into a blender for a minute. Add the eggs and vanilla and whisk until you make a smooth mixture. Add the flour and cocoa powder, and then add everything else in there and mix thoroughly. When the mixture is smooth enough and there aren’t any dry flour lumps, bake it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

4) CBD cookies

These are probably the oldest recipes for any cannabis enthusiast, and since everybody loves eating cookies, there are plenty of options with oatmeal, raisins, and even chocolate chip. Here’s what you need:

♦  ½ tablespoon salt

♦  1 tablespoon baking soda

♦  1 cup baking flour

♦  ½ cup granulated sugar

♦  1 egg

♦  ¾ cup cannabutter

♦  ½ vanilla extract


Start by mixing the sugar and cannabutter until perfectly blended. Follow that with the egg and vanilla extract, and whisk them before adding to the sugars. Mix the dry ingredients in one side, and then add them to the mixture. Mix it all together using a wooden spoon or until it starts to come together, and when there are still a few bits of dry flour in there, add the filling. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

5) CBD space cakes

Here is a simple cake batter combined with CBD-infused butter. It’s simple enough, and the flavor you use –whether vanilla or chocolate – will come through the cannabinoids quite nicely. Here’s what you need:

♦  2 eggs

♦  1 cup flour

♦  ¾ cup milk

♦  ¾ cup sugar

♦  ¾ cannabutter

Mix the butter and eggs to form a smooth mixture, and add the milk. Stir for a minute and then add the flour. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out dry.

Slice and enjoy!

Shift Frequency © 2019 – Educational material


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